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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 642

I take a deep breath in and I can feel the blue magic swirl around us, bolstering my confidence. Everything feels so much better with the three of them close like this. The flow of magic is less muddy. It’s a fine wisp swirling between the four of us, playful and happy even in this situation. Their fur is crackling with the magic they possess.

We move forward as a unit, she is throwing blast after blast of magic at us. So far nothing has hit us, but I think that is more Gentry and Elena than us. I know they can only help us for a short period of time, but I will take all that we can get right now. I am finding that my magic is speaking to me, guiding me as my arms start to move of their own accord. I am sending out all sorts of different colors from my fingers and hands. I can recognize what is an attack spell and what is a protection spell at least. Some are aimed at Adrielle and others are towards rogue wolves attacking near us.

“Aaagghh!” Frustrated, Adrielle screams and this time the surge of power she sends knocks me back into Dakota’s wolf behind me. That little stumble was the invitation she needed. She jumps forward, dodging Cam’s wolf and swipes at my face with her nails. No, not nails, claws. What the f*ck?

***”Where the hell did she get claws from?”*** I ask my mates still dodging swings and countering with my own. My mates are snapping at her with their massive jaws, but her magic is more advanced than ours and she’s keeping them far enough away that they can’t harm her. I can feel warm liquid run down my cheek and can only hope that the wound heals properly. She’s trying to separate us, but they are staying close, something she can't seem to counter with her powers. The closeness works for the magic, but not for the fighting.

She finally lands a kick to Oliver’s side knocking him away from me. I am able to get in a full swing that she doesn’t anticipate though. The force I put behind it after she harmed Oliver was enough to send her flying back ten feet and landing on her ass. I’m sure he was barely phased by the hit, but watching him take any kind of hit set my wolf off. She doesn’t stay down for more than a minute though.

As she barrels back to us she is throwing spells from each hand. To her right she is keeping Oliver busy and to her left Cam, while still sending shots towards Dakota and I. I start towards her too, hoping to distract her from my mates and maybe they can come at her from behind. I’m not as fast as normal though and the sluggishness is pissing me off.

I can still hear the grunting and groaning of the fight around us. I can’t tell who is winning, but I haven’t felt any of our pack member’s link break. That has to be a good sign. Then I hear humming in my ears. Adrielle starts to invoke a spell. It sounds beautiful and calming, but the earth begins to shake as chunks of dirt begin to rise from the ground around us, vibrating with her words the dirt is suspended in the air. Her movements are slow and methodical.

Before I can ask what she’s doing. The small shards shoot randomly through the air, parallel to the ground like small daggars. We dodge them easily, but it hits me what she’s doing when one of our warrior’s wolves howls in pain and drops to the ground. He is surrounded by crimson almost immediately.

Chapter 0642 1


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