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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 643

I let my wolf unleash her wrath on these morons, she hasn’t been able to fight much today, knowing the magic side of me was needed more to deal with Adrielle. Right now she is living her best life tearing through the wolves who have decided to fight for this useless cause until the end. My mates never stray too far and each of their wolves find mine to rub against us as often as possible as we weed through the rogues.

Once we have dispatched all the rogue wolves back to the Goddess, everyone helps to take the bodies to the compound we found outside our pack lands. We set them up in rows and light a pyre. These wolves will get a chance to meet the Goddess and she can decide if they were working of their own accord or if their human was forcing them to go against our kind. We also took the time to search the compound buildings. I’m amazed at what we found. The space must have held hundreds of wolves as farm animals. There are no facilities here at all. No beds, no bathrooms, no kitchens, nothing. I’m sure the only reason it doesn’t smell like a toilet is because she kept them in their wolf forms and they had a whole forest to use. She really didn’t give a sh*t about these wolves that were following her and Vincent thinking they would have a better life. They weren’t cared for at all. Maybe that’s why they fought so hard, they felt like they needed to prove themselves for her to give them affection or they felt stuck and betrayed. Either way they were angry and our pack was the only place to take out that anger.

Oliver, Cam, Kota and I all climb in the truck together. I lean my forehead on the cool window. The exhaustion hit me all at once. “I need to check on Sierra and Jena and we should probably check in quickly with everyone, but I just want to be with you guys right now. Is that bad?”

“No, Sweetness, it’s not. I just want you right now too. But I guess I can share you with these two if I have to.” Dakota pretends to huff and it makes me smile. “I was not done with you in the greenhouse when we were so rudely interrupted.”

“Oh, Sh*t! The greenhouse, the packhouse, all of our memories. They’re gone.” I didn’t even think about that until now. The entire ranked street was completely demolished with the attack. Tears fill my eyes at the loss.

Oliver wraps an arm around me and slides into the center of the bench seat. “Don’t worry, Babe. We’ll make new memories and I’m sure there’s things that are salvageable.”

“And besides,” Cam looks at us from the rear view mirror. “We can do what we always joked about with mom.”

I tilt my head in confusion. “What’s that?”

Dakota laughs’ “I forgot about that! It would be perfect. Especially now.”

“What are you two talking about?” I turn to Oliver, when they say nothing. “What are they talking about?” He just shrugs and now I know they are up to something. Oliver can’t lie to me, so saying nothing at all is his way of keeping their secret.

Cam cleverly changes the subject. “So did I hear you right? Jena is pregnant too?”

I roll my eyes, but give in, if it was really important they would say. They’ll tell me when they are ready. “I think so, but I have no idea for sure. The Moon Goddess talked to me and suggested heavily that they both might be and I should be careful with them. Sierra thought so before I said anything, but it is really early. Her scent has changed though, at least I can smell a change. As far as Jena, who knows and her scent is the same. We weren’t even sure if she would be able to carry pups because of Mike. He was rough with her, it was aweful. I really hope so though. They all deserve this good news after everything we have gone through.”

“What about you Bitty?”

Chapter 0643 1

Chapter 0643 2


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