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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 74

Chapter 0074
"Hello gentlemen, ladies.

I'm Nickolas, one of the Elite Warrior trainers.

I work closely with the Alpha King's personal warriors.

I have heard great things about all of you." He looks at each of us in turn.

"I wanted to watch each of you spar in human form before we started with the wolf versus human portion to get an idea of how all of you move as humans yourselves.

Delta Kyle says you all train daily as a group.

Are you all pretty comfortable being paired up at random?"
"Yes." We all say in unison, then laugh a bit.

Warrior Nickolas just smiles.
"Alright then, let's see you and you together." He pointed to Sam and Mateo.
They were pretty evenly matched.

Mateo has more muscle than Sam, but Sam's lean build is quicker.

They both have advantages and disadvantages which they are quick to try and exploit from each other.
We play a pinning game several times a week One of us is 'it' and has to fight off the rest for a certain time limit.

We change the length of time to keep us on our toes so we don't get complacent.

The goal is to be the first to pin your opponent in a way that they can't release themselves, without causing them to lose consciousness.

It's a great tactic for when you want to keep someone alive for questioning.

It's fun because we get to work as a team against the person who is 'it' and that single person is fighting against six others at once.

We have all agreed that it's not considered an official win for the person who is 'it' unless they have four or more submissions.

And the group only gets a win if each person submits the person who is 'it' in the time period.
Mateo and Sam face off and waste no time fighting for dominance.

Mateo leans down and tries to get Sam on the ground by taking out his legs, since he is weaker at grappling.

Sam stands his ground and grabs Mateo by the waist from the back to steady himself and lands a few good punches to the kidneys, sending Mateo down to a knee.

Mateo uses the downward motion to twist and pull Sam under him, essentially cushioning his fall.

They go on for a fewmore minutes, until Warrior Nickolas calls them to a stop.
"I'm impressed, you both have a few things to work on, but your strength and speed is great.

Who's next? How about you two?" He points to Kota and Sierra.
'"Thank the goddess! I thought he was going to pair me with you since we are both girls.

She laughed at me and I rolled my eyes, noticing Warrior Nickolas watching our exchange curiously.
"What am I? Chopped liver?" Kota tries and fails to 100k offended.
"You know what I meant, She's in rare form right now and super pissed at all of you.

Warrior Nickolas starts their fight pretty quickly.
He only let their fight go on for a few minutes as well.


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