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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 76

Chapter 0076
"FIGHT! Warrior Nicholas' voice booms from somewhere on my right.

I move straight toward Cam, aiming to jump over his shoulder and onto his back like a monkey.

We have been practicing multiple on one for a while now, so my stamina is pretty good, but damn is he strong.

I got as far as moving around him and using his shoulder like a vault.

I landed a great kidney punch across his back when he elbowed me in the side, in the same place Oliver hit me.

Dirty fighter, well two can play that game.

I was knocked to the ground behind him with the rib hit, I rolled out of the way, but I wasn't fast enough and he grabbed one Of my legs dragging me along the dirt back to him.

I rolled over and kicked up wildly with my free leg, making contact, but Pm not sure what I hit.

Then I hear a loud gasp from a lot of people, like a lot, a lot of people as I roll back over my shoulder to a crouching position.
I look up to see Cam holding his face and blood pouring out from his hands.

I can't tell if it's from his nose or his mouth, but it's a lot of blood.

He makes eye contact with me and several emotions cross his face at once.

Surprise, pride, and then something more primal. I am in deep sh*t.

He lunges for me and I scramble back, knocking into a few people as I quickly stand and block a wide punch coming at me.

He is throwing punch after punch, harder each time.

I am able to block all of them for now, but they hurt and his speed is picking up and I won't be able to hold him off for long.

Warrior Nickolas calls us to a halt.
I let go and dropped to the dirt behind Cam and lay on my back breathing heavily.

If I wasn't so tired I would think it was funny.
"How dare you hit one of our future alphas, you should be beaten and thrown out of the pack for your disrespect! Oh the dulcet tones of my favorite

person.l just close my eyes and ignore her.
"What are you talking about Kaley? They were sparring, like everyone else, bleeding and injuries happen.


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