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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 84

Chapter 0084
"Why are you so caught up in this warrior training? It has nothing to do with you.

As soon as you graduate, you'll find your mate and give him pups right away.

You have no need for all the training you do as it is." My father chimes in.

I have successfully avoided him all night.

He's not looking at me, but there is no doubt to anyone who knows our relationship, who he is talking to.
I keep my face as neutral as possible.

"I am just curious, that's all. Hearing how other packs do things is always fascinating. It helps to have knowledge of other pack's customs and traditions, training is no different. It will be especially important if my mate happens to be in another pack
We all turn to look at the kitchen where Oliver and Mateo are scrambling to pick up broken pieces Of what I think was several plates.
"Bite Size, you really have to stop talking about leaving.

Oliver huff's loud enough for everyone to hear and giving me the side eye.

The rest of the guys gave me a similar look

How did he even hear me? They are like forty feet away, with water running and banging dishes around.

I mean the glass door panels that make up the patio wall of the kitchen are open completely today, since it's nice out, so there is no barrier between the massive table by the pool and the kitchen, but still there are like 20 people between me and them and not everyone is listening to the conversation Nickolas and I are having.

Several are talking amongst themselves adding to the noise.
"What's wrong with them?" Gamma Brett asks, turning his attention back to me.
"They are not dealing with the idea that Sky is a very strong beta and therefore probably going to be mated to a high ranking wolf, who is possibly NOT IN THIS PACK!" She shouts over her shoulder.

"They are not liking the idea or taking the news well." She shrugs.
The adults around us all laugh a bit, but 1 don't miss the look that passes amongst the Luna, Alpha, Gamma and Delta.

Our parents are keeping something from us, or have information We don't about mates and clearly not in the mood to share.
"To answer your question, Skylar, we will be allowing potential candidates to do some portions of the trials.

We can't give you everything because some aspects need to be done in the moment.

We also adapt the training regularly so things may change or evolve.

Having a mate complicates missions and puts a target on the mate, should someone want to use them as leverage as a hostage.
No mate while a warrior, good to know.
We have to head home this week, but will be back the following week to begin the trials here at Blue Crescent.

He laughs and so does his partner.
I can't help but smile, I know he's just stroking my ego.


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