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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 85

Chapter 0085
They walk us inside and up the stairs, down the hallway to the hidden staircase that leads up to the third floor.

Cam reaches a keypad and types in a code then presses his thumb down.

I never realized how much security they had for their private areas.

I don't remember the Luna doing anything like this to get on the elevator to the fourth floor.
"What's with the James Bond security?" Sierra asked.

I love that she says what I am thinking.
"We have had a few incidents with people invading our space and the security that seems to work for our parents , doesn't stop people from trying to get to us, so we improved it.

Carn looked over his shoulder towards me as I am propping my upper body on Sam's shoulders to try and look forward.

They have had stalker girls trying to get up to their rooms, because one romp in the sheets wasn 't enough.

Sierra laughs still hanging over Mateo's shoulder, but she has her hands on his butt pushing herself up to look around to me.
"Ding, ding, ding!" Kota says, touching his nose and opening the door to the staircase and we all head up.

Sierra and I are still hanging from shoulders.
"Gross, I was kind of kidding.

I don't want to go anywhere near where you guys bang your little tramps.

I can't see her anymore now that we are traveling single file up the steps, but I can imagine the difficulty she is giving my brother.
"First, we don't bring girls up here.

Second, our rooms are cleaned regularly even if we did.

Third, we are going to the media room anyway, so relax.

Cam says somewhere in front Of us as we hit their landing.
Sam finally sets me down and I am in a big open entryway.

There is a sitting area and fireplace here, just like on the Alpha and Luna's floor.

The difference here is everything is earthy colors.

Dark browns, greens and beiges.

The sun has already begun to set and the trees look like they are on fire.
"Come on Shorty, you have plenty of time to enjoy

the view later.


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