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Why did she " Divorce Me " novel Chapter 40

Amoli's Pov.:-

" Okay that's all for today .. we will continue this chapter tomorrow " I said to my last class when I heard bell sound saying children it's time to go home .

I walk out from the school , I was moving towards my usually spot from where driver uncle always pick me up but I stopped in my steps when I felt some presence behind me .

I turn around but no one is behind me ... Strange.

This is not the first time, from the time I had came from my home town , I am feeling like someone is watching me , that person is following me everywhere , I always felt eyes on my back but whenever I looked around.. then no one is there .

I pulled my shoulders up in wonder and took steps backward still looking around in suspicious way ..

I lost my balance when I step something but before ground blessed my face with a tight slap someone hold me by my shoulders ... Indirectly telling that , my savior is taller than me.

I composed myself quickly and mumbled sorry while bowing head feeling guilty to step on this man's foot .

I passed him after saying small sorry without looking at his face ... But before I could go one more step away from him he make me turn towards him with a force by pulling my right shoulder .

Fire of anger run in my eyes and in my body ... How dare this man to touch me but before I could teach this man a good lesson ... His familiar face make me surprised.

" Dii .. " he said holding my both hands in his , which are turning cold and sweaty by passing seconds .

" Advaith .. " I breathout his name ...

I hugged him tight and broke down in his arms without caring people's suspicious eyes ..

" How are you dii (sister) ? " He asked after kissing my head .

" I am good ... I missed you " I confessed to him ...

" I missed you too dii ... And what all this dii , why you didn't come back home dii ...  Come let's go back ... Everyone is tense for you ... You don't know how worried we all were for you " advaith said after breaking hug .

I moved my head in no because I am still not sober ... Still sobs are stuck in my throat to come out ...

" Why no ... That is also your house dii ... Maa , papa , dada ji , dadi ji and panda ( mother , father , grandpa , grandmother )  all are missing you and are worried for you dii ... You are going back with me and it's clear , no more words " advaith said and took hold of my one hand ..

I jolt back his hand to free my hand from his grip and took steps away from him .

" No advaith I am not coming with you , that is not my house now , .. now I am independent and a free bird to live my life the way I want ...

Please go back with creating any sense " I said to him ...

His eyes became big in surprise because he never thought that I could ever behave like this .

" Okay than " he said and looked behind me with a smile ... Mocking one and nods his head as yes .

Before I could turned someone's small hang came around my waist and hugged me from behind .

I hold the small hands and pull her infront of me ... To hear " surprise moo " Vahini said joyfully while jumping up and down in happiness .

I kneel down before her and hugged her and hide my face in her neck ...

" I missed you moo ... You are bad , you haven't came to meet me ones in this long time period " she complaint ...

I cleaned my tears away from my face and showed her my smiley face " I missed you too my panda bear ... How are you ? "

To which she kissed my face and replied " I am good ... We are here to take you back home and you know what Jiju has promised me that he will let me stay with you " .

Mentioned of his name took away my smile from my face as it remind me about his accident and words came over my tongue to ask about him to advaith but I swallowed them back .

" I can't come with you panda " I said  ...

" Ummm but you can come with me to my new house " I again said and when I saw her crying sad face to make her face shine in smile.

" Okay let's go " she said and dragged me with her towards advaith car but my driver uncle came running to us ..

" Mam sorry I got late today because car's tyre was flat so , it took me time to change it .. " he said and looked at advaith and Vahini ...

" Ohhhh ... I am her driver , you no need to give her lift .. " driver uncle said to advaith ...

" No uncle .. he is my brother Advaith Anand and she is my sister Vahini Anand " I introduced them ..

Uncle said ohhhh and greet them and then advaith followed us by his car while me and Vahini both are in my car  .

Soon we arrived home ... I escort them inside house and make them sit in living room .. and asked some maids to give them refreshments.

In all the way Vahini was like ... ' look moo ... This is so beautiful ... This place is so big ... Moo you live in this big house it's so beautiful ... Moo this room is big big .. '

I was coming back in living room when I saw maverick is running towards his office room and he came out after some seconds holding file in his hand .

He stop infront of me when he saw me standing there looking at him ... He passed me smile and hugged me .

" How was your day sweetheart ? " He said .. and before I could replied ..

" Hey she is not your any sweetheart tweetheart ... She is only my moo " Vahini shout on maverick while pushing him away from me .

Maverick raised his hands in surrender while moving his eyes from Vahini to me .. he is asking me through his eyes .. ' who is she ? '

I cleaned my throat .. and said " where are others ? "

" I don't know because I just came here for this file .. but all brothers are at office doing their respective works and mom dad maybe they are in garden enjoying sunbathing " he said ...

" Okay " I said and called a maid to call Mr. And Mrs. Wright for me in living room.

I , maverick and Vahini , we trio reached in living room .. and maverick couldn't hold his mouth shut so he fired his questions like a chatterbox " Who is he sweetheart ... Aooooh ... God angel this little kiddo is naughty see she kicked me .. "

" You deserves it , I have told you before she is not your sweetheart she is mine only mine moo ... You angrej ( foreigner ) " Vahini said to which advaith got up from his seat and said " sorry for her behaviour .. she is little childish... Hello.. I  "

" Ohhhh now I understand , she is your student and he is her father right but why they are here .. did you punished her sweet... *Throat clearing* ?  " Maverick again said but stopped hisself to call me sweetheart when he saw vahini's killing eyes.

" Will you please shut up for a minute maverick " I said between my tight teeth .

He zipped his mouth and set on other couch ... At the meantime both Mr. And Mrs. Wright arrived and I motioned them to sit .

I took deep breaths ...

" Mr. And Mrs. Wright , maverick ... He is my younger siblings .. Mr. Advaith Anand and Miss. Vahini Anand " I said and their eyes are big in surprise due to my shocking words .

Because I have never told them about my family or anything .

The time when I had left from lassya's house , I came to this state .. Himachal Pradesh ..

After coming to this state I didn't had any idea where to go , so , I was walking absent mindly .. then suddenly a thief had attacked me ... I was shouting on him to leave me .. and I was struggling hard ..

Then suddenly that thief flied back away from me and there stood Grayson with his brothers ...

After that I couldn't hold myself in my sense and drop down in darkness ...

Then I came back to my senses ... To see whole Wright family infront of me standing there around my hospital bed .

They give me space in their house and in their heart to stay and support me in every hard time .

That's how they became my family ..

" Hello I am her brother and I am here to take her back home " advaith said ...

" You can't take her away " Mr. Wright was saying but he stopped when he saw vahini's presence.

Then he said " we will discuss it later ... Come here little girl .. "

But Vahini hugged me and hide her face in my neck .

" Aaah..mmoliii.. ... Aahh..mmolli ...  Aahmmolli .. " Ekansh sang my name while running inside the house but he stopped when he saw Vahini in my arms .

He looked around .. and then at me confused .. his expressions changed in snap of finger .. now his face is red showing his jealousy ..

He come towards me and tap on Vahini legs to say her ' leave my Amoli it's my place ' .. but Vahini did left me .

And his lips curled down making his saliva drip down and then what he did .. it was unexpected.

He bent down and took vahini's leg muscles in his mouth and stamped his teeth marks on her one leg .

Everyone gasped in surprise to see his this unpleasant and bad stunt ..

Vahini left me while shouting in pain and run away from my embrace when she felt pain in her leg ... Vahini cried in pain .. while this stubborn kid just seating down lowering his head .

Advaith hold crying vahini in his hold and said soothing words to her .. like ' kiddo he is small boy .. let me blow over your wound .. you're strong girl calm down ' .

" You little boy why did you bite her .. it's a bad manners say sorry to her " Mr. Wright scold ekansg while coming towards Vahini ..

" Calm down princess .. let me treat your wound princess " Mr. Wright said and Mrs. Wright came back with first-aid box ..

Meanwhile I look at Ekansh he is still seating on floor over carpet .. with low head .. I tapped on his shoulder while saying " why you did it baby ? " ... No movement .. no reaction nothing.

" Ohhhh come on sweetheart leave him , he just got jealous seeing someone else in his place " maverick said with a smirk ...

" I am sad and angry with his this behaviour see what he has done to her leg ... He has literally dig his teeth in her flesh " I said and placed Ekansh on my lap ...

I forcefully made him lookup at my face .. my eyes became wet seeing him because he is crying but before I could said anything he fall over my body and his face hit over my breathing region ...


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