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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 10

A cheeky grin appeared on Clarissa’s chubby face.

Those who were interested in being her “friend” stopped in their tracks when they saw Matthew by her side.

“You’re delighted?”

Matthew swirled the wine in his glass and gazed at Clarissa.

She beamed. “Yes. I’m delighted to see you here, Uncle Matthew!”

“Ha!” Matthew chuckled softly. “I thought you’re nervous to see me?”

“A little, yes. But I know you’re a nice man. Besides,” she paused before deciding to be honest with him. “I was too sensitive and petty back then. I’m really sorry about that.”

Her apology was extremely sincere.

Clarissa had always been a righteous person. As she had misunderstood the man earlier, she apologized earnestly.

Matthew was slightly surprised to hear her apology.

Something flashed across his eyes as he swirled his glass slowly.

After a brief silence, he replied, “Okay.”

He accepted my apology?

Clarissa had a wide grin on her lips. Actually, Mr. Tyson’s a nice man. He seems aloof, but he isn’t that bad.

I was wrong about him, yet he accepted my apology without saying anything. That’s awesome!

I need to respect him.

Seeing Clarissa’s grin, he gave a slight smile, too.

“Oh, I need to thank you.”

Matthew raised an eyebrow. He knew what she was talking about, but he asked anyway. “What is it about?”

“Thank you for helping me out. The other men dared not come to me because you’re standing right here.”

Clarissa was grinning smugly. I’m such a genius!

Matthew chortled and replied, “Thank you, too.” “Huh?”

Clarissa instantly understood what he meant. Her expression turned troubled. “Seriously? I’m Ellie’s friend, a generation younger than you. The ladies after you won’t misunderstand. You don’t have to thank me. Previously, I messed up your date with that lady. I think I’d better leave now.”

Before she could leave, Matthew grabbed her arm.

Everyone at the party gasped at his action.

Ellie was looking at them curiously. Suddenly Clarissa’s voice rang out loudly. “Uncle Matthew, even if you make me stay, it’s useless. I’m so much younger than you. They might believe you if I claim to be your daughter instead of your partner.” She let out an awkward laugh.

The crowd heaved a sigh of relief.

Amused, Matthew released his grip on her while Ellie dashed over to them.

“Uncle Matt, you don’t like anyone here? Grandma told me to make sure you pick at least one.”


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