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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 21

Clarissa’s mind was jumbled up; she was vulnerable to the intimacy between them.

She stuttered when the man prodded her for an answer. “U-Uncle, I miss you just like how a niece misses her uncle, l-like how Ellie misses you.”

Actually, it was nothing more than a mere pleasantry. She didn’t expect he would take it so seriously.

Letting out a chuckle, Matthew retracted his hand from her face and then took one of her wringing hands in his.

Clarissa widened her eyes in shock while looking at their holding hands.

Without bothering to give her any explanation, Matthew leaned in his seat and closed his eyes to rest.

She tried to pull her hand out but to no avail. When she gave it another attempt, his voice rang out, “Clare, let me rest for a while. I just got off the plane.”

Her body stiffened. But why must you hold my hand when you’re resting?

They were holding hands the whole journey until the car pulled up in front of Skylight Restaurant.

As they got out of the car, she finally freed her hand from his grasp. Matthew raised his brow when he saw the young lady was so eager to stay away from him.

“Come here!” He gestured her to come over.

Under his steady gaze, Clarissa had no choice but to shuffle slowly toward him. With much patience, Matthew waited as the young lady approached him at a snail’s pace.

Clarissa felt bad to keep dallying, so she stopped her childish act and quickly walked toward him. Once again, he took her hand, leading her into the restaurant.

“Uncle Matthew,” she called out.

Matthew simply uttered a response.

With an awkward smile, she said, “Actually, you don’t need to hold my hand. I’m not a child anymore, and I won’t get lost.”

Matthew tilted his head to cast a glance at her, flashing her a meaningful smile. Seeing his smile, Clarissa reacted instinctively in casting her eyes downward.

Matthew maintained his silence while leading her into the private lounge.

Throughout the meal, Clarissa remained silent while eating absent-mindedly. As for Matthew, he seemed to be enjoying himself, savoring his food elegantly. Occasionally, he would answer some calls to talk about business-related matters. One could imagine how busy this man was.


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