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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 3

Matthew turned around gentlemanly, but her sexy body was already imprinted in his mind.

Clarissa’s face contorted with awkwardness as she jumped behind the door to hide her modesty.

“I-I thought it was Ellie. What are you—”

Clarissa was utterly puzzled.

Why is he here? Is he a Tyson?

“Uncle Matt? What are you doing here?” Ellie finished the sentence for Clarissa outside.

Uncle Matt? He’s Ellie’s uncle?

Oh, how Clarissa wished the ground would swallow her whole.

“Am I not allowed to be here?” Matthew swept a glance at the door.

“No, no, I thought you were out on a blind date.” Ellie chuckled. “Oh, this is my best friend, Clarissa. I see that you’ve already met her.”

Gosh, we’re much more than that.

“Clare, this is my uncle…”

Ellie went inside and saw that Clarissa was a quivering, embarrassing mess. She spun around and stood in front of the door.

“Um, Uncle Matt? It’s actually a little inconvenient for my friend right now. So… uh… what can I do for you?”

Matthew was pensive for a moment.

“Nothing. I was on a business trip and I bought you a gift.”

“Thank you, Uncle Matt.”

He left after giving his niece the gift.

Then, shutting the door and turning to Clarissa, Ellie couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

Clarissa simply felt miserable.

But because of the awkward nature of the situation, they soon put it all behind them and stopped talking about it.

Getting dressed, Clarissa tugged at her clothes, feeling uncomfortable with Ellie’s taste in clothing.

With a crop top and a long slit skirt underneath, it exposed her small and slender waist to the air.

“Isn’t this a little too revealing?”

“It’s fine; it’s so hot outside,” Ellie said. “All right, stop tugging. You’re supposed to flaunt your splendid figure. There are no men in this house, anyway. You’re mine to admire.”

“Your uncle’s outside. Isn’t he a man?”

Ellie shook her head. “He is, but he’s my uncle and you should call him that, too. Uncle Matt has probably seen all sorts of women out there. To him, women are just women, you know? Besides, you’re my friend and he’s probably left already.”

She pulled Clarissa downstairs. They had just taken their seats when they saw Matthew coming down.

Clarissa was a bundle of nerves. Why is he still here?

“Are you leaving, Uncle Matt?”


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