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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 31

Hearing this, Clarissa was so frightened that she nearly turned and ran out of the room immediately.

Shermaine’s eyes grew even colder. “Matt, do the both of you know each other?”

Clarissa coughed nervously. “I didn’t think you would remember me, Mr. Tyson. Ms. Smallwood, I’m friends with Ellie. I’ve met Mr. Tyson a few times before in D City.”

Clarissa was calm and collected as she explained this to Shermaine.

However, Ryler knew Clarissa like the palm of his hand. He could see that her nails were digging into her palms so hard that her fingers had turned white.


From what she said, it sounded as though she and Matthew Tyson were merely acquaintances.


During the press conference last time, Ryler had bumped into Matthew in the elevator. He remembered the strange expression in Matthew’s eyes as he looked over at Ryler—and it wasn’t because Ryler was a celebrity.

He had looked at Ryler as though he was a threat—a rival.


Thinking about it, he realized that it was probably because of Clarissa.

However, what sort of relationship did Clare share with Mr. Tyson?

“Ellie’s friend, you say?”

Shermaine nodded slowly, as though she were deliberating whether to believe Clarissa or not. When she looked at Clarissa, there was still a hint of iciness in her eyes.

Shermaine turned and looked at Matthew with a gentle smile. “Matt, it’s been a long time since I saw Ellie. Is it true that she has opened her own studio? She asked me to be the spokesperson for her new company. Dear me, she might start pestering me again once I return to D City! Do you remember how she used to tag along everywhere with us when we were children…”

Shermaine steered the conversation to a topic that obviously excluded Clarissa. She stood next to them awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

Clarissa smiled uncomfortably and placed the cup back in front of Ryler. She snuck a look at him, indicating that it was best if she left first.

This time, Matthew didn’t try to stop her from leaving. However, as his dark eyes grazed over Clarissa again, a dark look appeared on Shermaine’s face. She had been observing him closely since just now.

“Matt, why don’t we get going first? I’m feeling a little sick. Do you mind driving me home?”

In a low voice, Matthew replied, “Alright.”

The two of them got up to leave, and everyone rose to send them off. Shermaine looped her hand around Matthew’s arm again, and they left the room looking very affectionate.

When they finally got into Matthew’s car, Shermaine realized that Matthew was cold and aloof. He seemed completely different from how he had been back in the restaurant. Actually, this standoffish attitude was the one with which he usually regarded her.

Cold, indifferent, and aloof—Matthew seemed even more frightening than he usually was. Shermaine didn’t dare to open her mouth.

Shermaine had known him for more than twenty years, and she had loved him for the same amount of time. However, she still had to tiptoe around Matthew as though she were afraid of him.

Today, she had been very happy indeed. Matthew probably had some feelings for her—otherwise, why would he make the trip down to visit her?

“Matt, I’m so happy today. If you had told me you were going to come over earlier, I would have canceled filming today to meet you!”

She leaned even closer to him, trying to snuggle against his chest. However, Matthew shoved her away roughly.

His voice was cold as he said, “I’m here for work matters.”

He hadn’t come here to visit her at all.

Shermaine’s smile froze on her face as she fell quiet immediately.

She suddenly recalled something and asked timidly, “Matt, you know Ms. Quigley, that screenwriter, don’t you? She’s really pretty. With that face of hers, she’s bound to succeed in the entertainment industry if she gives it a go.”

Matthew refused to respond to her comment. He shut his eyes and leaned back against his seat to rest.

Shermaine didn’t dare to say anything more. Instead, she gazed at Matthew’s defined side profile, her eyes filled with foolish love.

The car pulled up outside Shermaine’s hotel. She felt a little sad to leave Matthew just like that.

“Matt, it’s still early, isn’t it? Why don’t you come upstairs and rest for a while?”

Matthew gazed at her with his dark eyes. His gaze was so intense that Shermaine started to feel a little intimidated.

Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, she smiled and asked, “Matt, what are you staring at?”

Matt finally looked away. “No, thanks. You should go.”

Shermaine felt a little disappointed, but she threw one last smile at Matthew before obeying his orders. However, she couldn’t help but turn around to look at him every few steps.

Of course, this little interaction was captured by the paparazzi, who had stationed themselves in front of the hotel a long time ago. Although Shermaine and Matthew hadn’t done anything intimate, this was enough for tomorrow’s tabloid headlines.

Shermaine returned to her room. A while later, her manager, Lizzie, popped by.

“Shermaine, are you going to carry on like this?”

Lizzie looked a little perturbed. Shermaine yanked her accessories off and slammed them down on her vanity table angrily.

“What about it? Keep your nose out of my private life.”

Lizzie swallowed her dissatisfaction with much difficulty, although the expression on her face looked rather nasty.

Shermaine didn’t care how she felt. She turned to Lizzie and demanded, “Hey, does that screenwriter have a sugar daddy?”

“How—how’s that possible? Ms. Quigley is a screenwriter. Many directors offered to buy the rights to her original works because of how well they were written. She’s been gaining quite a lot of attention lately, but I didn’t expect her to be so beautiful.”

“Exactly. What a pity that she doesn’t have a sugar daddy.”

“Shermaine, what do you mean by that?”

“Haha…nothing. Go and investigate her family background for me.”


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