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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 33

By then, Clarissa had already woken up. Gazing at the quiet room with not a single soul in sight, it seemed like Matthew’s arrival the previous night was as surreal as a dream.

She crawled out of bed and washed up. After eating breakfast, she remembered that he had said something to her before he departed.

What did he say? Ugh, I’ll just forget it.

“Ms. Quigley, Ms. Smallwood has called for you.”

A member of the crew suddenly interrupted Clarissa’s train of thoughts.


Has she made a discovery?

Clarissa made a beeline to Shermaine’s personal dressing room. Other than the make-up artist and her assistant, there was no one else in the room.

After knocking on the door, she met Shermaine’s gaze through the reflection of the mirror and smiled.

“Are you looking for me, Ms. Smallwood?”

“Don’t be so formal, Ms. Quigley! Since you’re Ellie’s friend, you’re my friend too. Take a seat! I have a few scenes that I don’t really understand, so I’d really appreciate it if you could explain them to me.”

“Haha… You’re welcome!”

Shermaine’s attitude was courteous to a fault. She asked a few questions about the female lead’s inner thoughts and discussed them with Clarissa, who explained them to her meticulously.

“You’re truly amazing, Ms. Quigley! We’re around the same age, but you’ve managed to write such an impressive script! Not only have you excelled in your career at such a young age, rather, you’re also really pretty. That’s unlike me, who’s only an actress without any other talents.”

“You’re being too polite, Ms. Smallwood. Your acting skills are top-notch and you’d even won an international best actress award! That’s much more impressive than me.”

“Haha… That’s just a stroke of luck.”

“No, I always believe that luck is nothing more than constant diligence. It’s the reason that you are able to grasp an opportunity the moment it arrives. Due diligence has a key role to play in it. You’ve managed to become an international award-winning actress because of your excellent acting skills and hard work. Otherwise, no matter how amazing the script is, you can’t exemplify the essence of the movie if your acting skills are subpar. In short, it’s all because of your talent.”

These were Clarissa’s genuine sentiments. After she spoke, Shermaine turned around and stared at her.

“Are you being truthful right now?”

“Of course!”

“Haha… Ms. Quigley, you’re a really adorable and honest person. I really like you! It’s no surprise that you’re Ellie’s friend. She has such good taste in people, after all!”

“Thank you.”

“Alright, let’s go out together. When the filming officially starts, please monitor it, Ms. Quigley. As it’s my first time acting in a period show, I might be slightly unused to it. If there’s anything lacking, tell me honestly. I wish to display my fullest potential too. Let’s do a good job for this amazing show, okay?”


When they left, Shermaine was even clinging to Clarissa’s arm intimately as if they were best pals. Truthfully, Clarissa felt slightly uneasy by her actions.

The others were surprised to see their interaction too, not expecting the normally aloof Ms. Smallwood to be so close to Ms. Quigley.

When Max, the director, saw both of them arriving side by side, he laughed and joked, “Shermaine, have you become sisters with Ms. Quigley?”

Clarissa laughed awkwardly at his teasing comment. However, Shermaine replied matter-of-factly, “That’s right! It’s my first time acting in a period show. When Ms. Quigley saw that I didn’t really quite understand, she was kind enough to guide me and explain the scenes to me. I’m really grateful to her!”

“Haha… That’s great! Come on, we’re going to start soon.”

Clarissa discreetly inched away from her, feeling rather uncomfortable. For some inexplicable reason, Shermaine’s words seemed a tad bit odd.

However, after the filming started, she was too preoccupied to mull over it. Instead, she focused on Shermaine’s performance attentively.

She had to admit that Shermaine’s acting skills were impressive. As expected of an actress who clinched an international award, she was exceptional. When she acted alongside Jamie, an amateur actress, her charisma completely overshadowed the latter. Hence, unable to keep up with Shermaine’s pace, Jamie continuously messed up her lines.

Clarissa was rather irked, to her surprise, as Shermaine would often make a beeline to her to ask some questions.

“Ms. Quigley, is my acting alright? How did I do? Does she resemble your idea of Stephanie?”

She asked Clarissa about it so many times that the others who were present kept sneaking glances at them.

From their gazes, it felt like they were currently viewing her in a different light.

Ryler arrived in the afternoon because his role was not needed for filming in the morning. After he arrived, he was instantly notified about Shermaine’s actions.

When he was discussing the script with Clarissa during his break, he took the opportunity to ask her about it.

He whispered softly, “Is Shermaine doing it on purpose?”

Clarissa mulled over it for a while. “Perhaps.”

“Do you know why?”


Could she be doing this because of Matthew? Probably not. He came really late and left early in the morning. It’s impossible for anyone to find out.

What other reason can it be then? I don’t even know anymore.

“I heard a rumor from a friend.” Shooting a quick glance at Shermaine, who was resting with her eyes closed, Ryler lowered his voice. “Shermaine is not as nice as she seems on the surface. Whenever she filmed a movie, she would detest it if there were other prettier women stealing her spotlight. Her jealousy is not to be underestimated. Perhaps, she thinks that you are pretty and talented.”

Frowning, Clarissa shook her head and chuckled. “That’s impossible, isn’t it? Stop joking.”

“Do I look like I’m joking?”

Ryler’s expression was extremely grave. “I didn’t believe it previously, but it seems to be highly possible now. You’ve witnessed her behavior today. It’s glaringly obvious that she’s humbling herself while elevating you, thus placing you in an awkward position. Rumors might spread that you are a pretentious and arrogant person, one who looks down on everyone else, even daring to criticize a top actress’ acting skills. Think about your current situation. Before you can even make a name for yourself in this industry, you have to shoulder the burden of such a heavy stereotype.”

“I… I don’t even want to make a name in this industry!”

“Although you don’t want to stir up any trouble, the fact remains that she is blocking your path. Clare, stay away for her to avoid getting embroiled in a mess.”

“I know that. I am fully aware of it despite you telling me.”

Clarissa did not expect someone to be so vicious.

Her perspective of the world was very innocent, devoid of any manipulation and pretenses. Never had she expected herself to be betrayed by her mother when she went to D City, nor to be set up by Shermaine here.

Isn’t it really tiring for them?

No longer in a good mood, Clarissa didn’t want to stay in the studio anymore. Anyway, as a screenwriter, she did not play such a huge role there.

Hence, she tossed her backpack over her shoulder, secretly waved goodbye to Ryler, and took her departure.

Before she could even leave the studio, her phone rang.

She was already in a foul mood. When she noticed that it was a call from that particular person, she was reminded of Shermaine and instantly rejected the call.

However, a second call came immediately. As her phone rang incessantly, she quickly picked it up and hid in a corner.

She asked in an annoyed tone, “What do you want to do? Are you that free?”

Matthew was sitting at his desk. Twirling around on his chair, he peered out of the window and stared at the towering skyscrapers outside.

When the only scenery he had were these cold and mundane objects, he missed the woman’s liveliness even more.

Furthermore, as he returned early in the morning, a day had already passed by then. Still, Clarissa had yet to call him—not even once.

That was really cruel of her.

“Yeah, you!”

A tone of impatience crept into her voice. “What do you mean, me? I…”


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