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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 36

Everyone held their breaths and looked at Clarissa. She’s actually confronting Shermaine?

At that moment, Jamie was pulling at Clarissa’s fingers to stop her. Her eyes were red.

Nonetheless, Clarissa showed no signs of backing down. She even wore a grin on her face in front of Shermaine.

“Ms. Smallwood, what’s your opinion about what I just said? They are just my suggestions but I hope you can adopt them.”

After all, someone did accuse Clarissa of ignorantly explaining a scene to Shermaine, so Clarissa decided to make that a reality and actually do it.

“Sure! What do you think, Mr. Brown?” Shermaine responded with a smile.

Despite being unhappy about it, the director nodded. “No problem. We’re done with this part then. Everyone ready up for the next scene!”

Immediately, the entire crew started scurrying around with their work while an assistant held an umbrella over Shermaine’s head. Jamie’s assistant also rushed over to check on Jamie, concerned about her artiste.

On the other hand, right as Clarissa turned to leave after Jamie, Shermaine approached her out of the blue.

Shermaine still had a smile on her face as she spoke, “Ms. Quigley, you and Jamie seem close, I’m jealous.”

“I treat her the way I treat any other artiste,” Clarissa said plainly.

“Haha… Ms. Quigley, is it true that you’re leaving tomorrow? Why so soon? If you’re not here, who’s going to go through the script so passionately with me?”

“The director. He’s actually far more thorough than me. Sometimes, what’s written and what’s acted out are quite different. I’m new after all, and there are so many things I’m lacking in. So, go look for the director, he’s better than me.”

Shermaine gave Clarissa a thoughtful look before bidding her farewell. “Alright, Ms. Quigley. I wish you all the best. Hope we meet again someday.”

“Thank you.”

As Shermaine walked proudly past Jamie, Jamie gave her the death stare as her rage and dissatisfaction burned from within.

“Stop staring, you need a facial right now. Do you have any more scenes for today?”

The few of them sat in the lounge when Jamie sent her assistant away. While she did her own facial, Jamie looked at Clarissa. She mainly felt touched and also slightly apologetic by Clarissa’s actions.

“Ms. Quigley, thank you so much.”

“What’s there to thank me for?”

“No. To me, this is important, very important. If you hadn’t said anything, god knows how long Shermaine was going to torture me like that. I knew I was going to get bullied one day, but I’ve never been through such cruelty in my entire life.”

While talking, Jamie tried her best to hold in her tears. The changes she was going through after such a traumatic experience was not something Clarissa could clearly comprehend.

At the moment, the only thing Clarissa could do was comfort her. “Jamie. To be honest, this type of situation happens in every field and there are bad people everywhere. However, as long as we stay true to ourselves and work hard, there will come a day when we can finally shine. By then, maybe you’ll look back to this incident and shrug it off. You know, what I’m trying to say is, you shouldn’t go on living with a vengeance in mind because of what happened today. Your dreams and your goals are far more important.”

Ellie had always said that Clarissa had a big heart. Truth be told, her heart was just normal-sized, but she did have an open mind.

“I understand, Ms. Quigley.”

Nevertheless, Jamie’s answers were just words. It was still uncertain whether she could really overcome this mental hurdle and let go of her grudge.

That being said, due to the fact that Clarissa was leaving the next morning, Jamie invited her out for a meal as a sign of gratitude.

Outside the film studio, there was a restaurant where all sorts of artistes mingled. The famous, the unknowns, the extras, and such, all gathered there.

In there, it was as though all that glamour became ordinary.

While Clarissa and Jamie were dining, Ryler appeared and approached the two.

“Jamie, is your face better now? I’m so sorry. I wasn’t there this afternoon and I didn’t know what happened.”

Hearing Ryler’s concern made Jamie flush as she shyly shook her head.

“Mr. Cooper, it’s okay. I’m fine now. See, it’s not swollen anymore.”

The way Jamie looked at Ryler was like a little girl looking at her childhood hero, her eyes filled with affection and admiration. Even Clarissa at the side felt like laughing.

“Jamie, didn’t you say you were a big fan of Mr. Cooper? Why don’t you tell him?”

Clarissa’s words made Jamie turn bright pink as she stared at her. Even so, Jamie still mustered up some courage and confessed timidly to Ryler.

“Mr. Cooper, I’ve liked you ever since your debut and watched every production with you in it, multiple times. Oh, and your singing is really superb! I’m even a member of your fan club. I… “

“Thank you, Jamie.”

Ryler thanked her with a smile but did not seem too enthusiastic about it.

Noticing the situation, Clarissa butted in. “You have such an awesome fan here, Mr. Cooper. You really ought to take care of her. After I’m gone, please help her out if someone’s bullying her.”

“Definitely! I dare not go against Ms. Quigley’s request.”

Jamie looked at both of them and noticed how familiar they were with each other.

Clarissa did not keep her out of the loop and told Jamie that she and Ryler were from the same city and knew each other since a long time ago. “But he’s famous now, so I obviously have to put some distance between us to avoid the media taking photos and spreading rumors.”


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