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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 38

All of a sudden, Matthew’s phone rang and interrupted them.

Clarissa looked at her almost naked self and quickly pushed Matthew away to sit up.

As for Matthew, his shirt was unbuttoned. He looked exceptionally sexy with his black eyes hinted with lust.

He was breathing a bit heavily as he lay on his side, looking at Clarissa tidying up with her back against him. After quite a while, he finally picked up the phone.


Matthew’s voice was low and hoarse, and Donnie could feel his frustration from the other end of the call. So he spoke very cautiously.

“Mr. Tyson, we caught the man. He’d usually be driving a cab around the film studio, and many young women had fallen prey to him. Last night, Ms. Quigley coincidentally got on his cab. No one was behind that. As for the paparazzi at the restaurant, it was a small artiste from the same crew that tipped them off to slander Ms. Quigley.

“Okay, I understand now. You can handle the rest.”

After ending the call, Matthew looked up to find that Clarissa had already left the bedroom and was sitting in the tiny living room provided. Seeing that he was looking at her, she avoided eye contact and poured some water.

That was when Matthew got up, and went to sit with her.

“You know anyone named Carley Fey?”

Hearing that name stumped Clarissa for a second before she nodded. “She’s one of the extras. When she just came in, she had a role as a maid, but I thought the character wasn’t suitable so I told the director. The director swapped her out after that.”

When she finished speaking, it dawned on Clarissa. “So, she was the one that framed me?”


Clarissa felt slightly perplexed at the discovery and still had some doubts.

It was to be expected I guess. There’s no way Shermaine would leave a trail back to her. There’s also a chance that she was not involved in any of this at all.

However, the things Shermaine did to Jamie and her were in fact, still intentional.

Nevertheless, Clarissa decided to not overthink it and put up a smile.

“I understand now, thank… “

Before she could say her thanks, she realized how funny it was. “What should I do? It seems like I have been saying thank you all the time. Every time you help me, I’d only say a thank you. It really feels like I’m being insincere. How about this? You tell me how I should express my gratitude, and if it’s within my capabilities, I’d do it.”

While she was talking, Matthew pulled out a cigarette and lit the tip.

As the cigarette burned, smoke slowly formed, floated, and dispersed. Through that smoke, Clarissa met the gaze of Matthew’s onyx eyes, and her heart rate accelerated.

All of a sudden, she realized it was a bad idea and regretted letting those words out of her mouth.

“Well, actually, you don’t really lack anything, and you do have people assisting you with your work, why don’t I just bring you some local delicacies after I come back from home?” Clarissa said as she felt awkward under Matthew’s stare.

Matthew simply uttered a response.

With that, Clarissa finally felt relieved, though she still felt bad.

“I’ve taken you away from your work long enough. Seeing that there’s no more problem here, you should head back. I’ll pack up and head home.”

He was indeed held up.

Truth be told, Matthew actually had an important meeting to attend, but he left it behind.

Even he himself did not expect to do something like this for a woman.

Then, Matthew took one last puff from the cigarette before putting it out in the ashtray. As he stood up, he pulled Clarissa into his arms and gave her a passionate kiss.

I’d be suffering an even bigger loss if I don’t get my worth out of this woman.

Matthew only made deals that were beneficial to him.

Eventually, he would need to get back everything that he invested into her.

After Shermaine was done with a scene, Ryler’s smile towards the female lead immediately disappeared.

It was obvious that he was not too happy with her, but Shermaine was not bothered by it.

“Someone had pressured the media to retract Clarissa’s news. I heard it was Ryler’s manager.” Lizzie came to report to Shermaine during the night when everything was done.

“Huh? Do you know what’s the relationship between Clarissa and Ryler? If he’s helping her so much, is he her sponsor?”

“That I can’t be sure, but Ryler and Clarissa seem to come from the same hometown. Maybe they already knew each other a long time ago.”

“Is that so? They are really close then.”

Lizzie did not respond, allowing Shermaine to ponder while she applied a face mask.

“Shermaine, maybe we should just let Clarissa off the hook. She’s just a measly screenwriter after all. She’s not in the same league as you. Even back then, she’s just an author. There’s nothing to be bothered about. Moreover, she booked a flight this morning to go back to her hometown. Maybe she’s going to hide in that small town?”

Shermaine did not respond.


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