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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 41

The face of the traffic police contorted when he heard Clarissa’s words.

“Miss, I was just trying to understand the situation happening here, and I did follow the protocols. How did you know I was not interrogating this sir over here before? Mind your words, missy. We do everything fair and square around here, you hear me?”

“Pretty gal, the police’s being fair. Don’t insult their work for no reason!”

The man in the white sports car hollered out loud. He had his arms around a pretty maiden. The onlookers at the scene were also stirring.

Clarissa wanted to retort, but Jane hurriedly held her hands and dragged her to one side.

“I’m so sorry, sir. My friend here is a bit antsy at the moment. Feel free to ask away! We’ll give you our cooperation.”

“Alright. Who’s the driver? Can I have your license? Also, you will have to take a breath test for alcohol…”

Tessa treaded nervously to the police. The poor girl was on pin and needles. She answered the police’s questions before taking a breathalyzer test and handing over her license to the police.

After obtaining all the information he needed, the police then examined the track made by the car before making a judgment.

However, before the traffic police could say anything, a few policemen pulled up in their vehicles. Immediately, they got into a deep discussion with Luke, as if Clarissa and the rest did not exist. From few yards away, Clarissa could vaguely hear the mention of some ‘uncle’ and a certain director.

Meanwhile, Tessa’s eyes were turning red. She was beginning to signal for help from her colleagues.

“What should I do? Ms. White, help! I don’t want to go into jail. My family needs me and they probably can’t bail me out too! I…”

“Beanie, don’t be scared. Don’t assume that it’s our fault. That said, I have no idea who’s at fault. Tiger, you have been driving for a long time, right? Can you tell who’s at fault just now?”

“You’re asking me who’s at fault? Clarissa, have you yet to understand what’s happening here? We are done here! The police’s words are final. If they put the blame on us, then we’re the wrong ones here. Look at how obedient they are to that guy! Nothing we say will save us! Damn it! Why are we so unlucky? If only we didn’t have a welcoming party for you.”

Bruno was beginning to grumble for being dragged into the mess, especially since the car Tessa was driving belongs to him.

He blamed everything on Clarissa and Tessa. But before long, his yammering was cut off by someone else.

Although Bruno was finally quiet, his words had struck home. Everyone was finding someone to relegate all the blame to. Such was the nature of humans. No one ever wanted to be wrong.

It went without saying that Clarissa ended up absorbing all of the blame.

Clarissa was, of course, disgruntled. Now, aside from a crying Tessa and a silent Jane who was now making a phone call, the rest of the people were in low spirits. No one uttered a word.

Clarissa suppressed the displeasure in her and spoke, “Even if the traffic police give in to pressure, I don’t trust at this age of the Internet we can’t make this go viral.”

“Pfft, you want this to go viral? Do you think they would let this incident go viral so easily? Oh, what a naive child you are, Clarissa!”

“Then, what other options do we have now? Don’t you guys think that the traffic police will deem us to be at fault no matter what? Why don’t we just wait for them to be done with their investigations before making any claims?”

Right after Clarissa finished talking, the traffic police came over.

The leader of the bunch announced to them sternly the conclusion they had arrived at.

All of them had mixed feelings after listening to the police’s statements.

Apparently, most of the blame lay on the driver of the sports car, but Tessa was also wrong too. Fortunately, the severity of Luke’s mistake was greater.

It was a fair judgment, but now there was another issue.

Clarissa and the rest had to compensate Luke for the damages they caused.

It was already a misfortune that they had gotten into an accident, but as if they weren’t unlucky enough, the car they crashed into was Luke’s expensive sports car.

While Clarissa was thankful for the fact that the traffic police remained unbiased even when under the influence of the wealthy, she still dreaded the compensation that came next.

The lot of them stood at the same spot for around half an hour. Within that period of time, Luke went from disgruntled to patient and relaxed. Now, he was just in an upbeat mood to watch as Clarissa and her colleagues get flustered over the hefty compensation.

Feeling bored, Luke and his men approached Clarissa to tease her.

“Hey, pretty gal, what’s your name? You don’t sound like you’re from D City. How old are you?”

“Your name’s Clarissa? What a sophisticated name! Sounds angelic to me. Come and do a little dance or something. Entertain us!” “Phil, I didn’t know you have a taste for sophisticated names!”

“Yeah, Phil, I thought you are more interested in women with sophisticated figures? Hahaha!”

The men were beginning to get over the top with their sleazy talk. Some of them were even trying to pull Clarissa closer to them.

Jane, being the leader of the bunch, quickly smiled and tugged Clarissa back towards her. “Guys, she’s new around here. Cut her some slack, alright?”

“It’s none of your business!”

Jane was taken aback by the sudden aggression from one of the men.

“Come over here, you.”

Those men with Luke were beginning to drag Clarissa towards themselves. As the poor girl tried to break herself free from them, she tripped and fell into the arms of Luke. Just in time, Luke wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Let go of me!”

“Clarissa, Mr. Harrison here knows a fine woman when he sees one! You should be glad he is interested in you. Don’t be so reserved! If you make him happy, your friend won’t have to make any compensation! What a worthwhile deal, right?”

“Please let go of me…”

“Ms. White, isn’t this a bit too…” The rest of Clarissa’s colleagues were concerned about her safety.

Of course, Jane wouldn’t just let those vile men take Clarissa away.

“Gentlemen, I am a friend of the president of the Galaxy Pictures. Would you guys kindly let my friend here go out of courtesy to him?”

“What are you talking about? President of the Galaxy Pictures?”

Jane was beginning to feel despair. Crap, they don’t even care! What can I do now?


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