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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 47

Clarissa smiled awkwardly while gritting her teeth to compliment Matthew as a kind elder.

Ellie did not notice anything out of place. She merely shook her head with a smile on her face. “Uncle Matt may seem a little cold to many people. Most of them are afraid of him. However, he treats me really well and loves me. Since you’re my bestie, he will love you too.”

Love me?

Clarissa trembled a little and felt groggy out of the blue.

“What’s the matter, Clare? Are you feeling cold? Should I adjust the temperature of the air conditioner?”

“Nah, don’t worry. Speaking of which, Ellie, I need your help to look for a reliable lawyer. I want to end the contract with Twilight Company now. Although it is expiring soon, I’m afraid that there are things I don’t understand. So, I will need to consult a lawyer when the time comes.”

“A lawyer? Sure, leave it to me. Well, I think that’s a good idea too. They’ve chickened out after what happened and didn’t even care if you’re alive. How can one be at ease working for people like these? You should terminate your contract. with them.”


Anyone would seem nice before something bad befall. Even though those people were a friendly bunch, Clarissa did not expect them to put themselves at risk to rescue her after the accident happened. However, leaving her to suffer alone when she was standing up for them was uncalled-for.

That night, she did not receive a single call from the Twilight Company.

Some people just could not stand up to the test of storms in the face of adversity.

While Clarissa was deep in thoughts, Ellie contacted a lawyer in a flash.

“Done. Stop spacing out. Since we’ve decided what to do, let’s head over now. We’ve got some spare time, anyway.”

“Huh? You’ve made the call already?”

“Yeah. Uncle Matt’s company has a group of corporate lawyers working for him. I called him just now and he asked us to head over at once.”


I’m done for.

Soon, the two went to the J City Building. After entering the elevator, Clarissa was shivering in anxiety. With Ellie beside her, she believed Matthew would not do anything stupid.

Clarissa still felt rather uneasy the second time she came to his office.

She immediately avoided eye contact with him the moment she saw him sitting behind the large desk. Her eyes were looking everywhere except his sharp gaze.

“Sorry to disturb you, Uncle Matthew. Actually, we can just meet the lawyer outside and talk. There’s no need for us to come all the way here.”

At her words, Matthew lifted his gaze from the documents in his hand, then leaned his back against the seat casually and put on a smile. With a sharp look, he stared at Clarissa, who was trying to retract her head into her imaginary shell like a turtle.

“You are Ellie’s friend. As her uncle, how can I be half-hearted about it?”

“Haha! Clare, you are so right! I’ve told you Uncle Matt is a kind person!”

Ellie cachinnated. She did not realize that she had betrayed her best friend.

At that, Clarissa twitched her lips.

Ellie’s words gave Matthew more reason to look at Clarissa. Catching sight of his gaze, the latter instinctively straightened her back and put up her guard. A glint flashed across her eyes while her expression tensed up.

“Hmm? Is that so? Am I a kind elder to you, Clare?”


Witnessing Clarissa’s nervous look, Ellie couldn’t help but tease the former.

“Say, what are you afraid of, Clare? Look at you getting so worked up as if Uncle Matt will eat you up.”

Oh, yes, he will!

That response crossed her mind because she could recognize a predator’s gaze in Matthew’s eyes.

He’ll definitely do that!

“Haha…” Clarissa lowered her head and played an awkward smile on her face. “Stop joking, Ellie.”

With a smile on her face, Ellie pulled Clarissa to the seat and brushed off the flippant remark she made earlier. Unbeknownst to her, the other two were exchanging menacing glares with one another. They were not joking at all.

The lawyer came into the office as soon as they sat down.

“Mr. Tyson.”

Hector, the head of the legal counsel, came to deal with Clarissa’s contract. Although she was surprised, she did not show it.

“Let’s do it over there.”

Right then, Matthew stood up and lit a cigarette up. Then, he walked toward the window and looked out outside.

Meanwhile, Hector sat at the meeting table and began his conversation with Clarissa and Ellie.

Clarissa showed Hector the digital contract that she had. After reading through, he asked her several questions, including various copyright issues she dealt with lately. As she was focusing on her stuff, Matthew slowly turned his eyes in her direction.

He was folding one arm while supporting the other one that held a cigarette between his fingers. Then, he narrowed his eyes to look at Clarissa.

Ellie lowered her head to play with her cellphone while her back was against him. So she could not see him leering at Clarissa, who averted her eyes from his invasive gaze coming from her side.

Hector was sitting opposite while facing Matthew’s direction, so the former could clearly picture the entire situation. Looking at Clarissa acting awkwardly with her face flushed, he thought he saw something interesting.

“That’s it, Ms. Quigley. There’s no big issue here, so you don’t have to worry. You may contact me when your contract expires. I will go with you.”

“Alright. Thanks, Mr. Graham.”


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