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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 5

The next day, Clarissa exited Twilight Company with the chief editor, Jane White. They were on their way to meet with the director and investors of The World.

Clarissa would rarely attend such lunch meetings. She was but a homebody, and a very beautiful one at that.

Given her beautiful looks and reputation as a best-selling author, the men in the room couldn’t help themselves from leering at her, putting her on the spot as they shifted the topic to her.

Clarissa excused herself from the private room. Her face blushing because of the alcohol. After splashing cold water on her face to cool down, she started racking her brain for an excuse to leave first.

As she exited the restroom while sending a text, she looked up and realized she had gone the wrong way.

She was just about to leave when she heard a voice in the corner.

“What is it that you don’t like about me, Mr. Tyson? Why can’t we give this relationship a try? I’ve loved you since the day I met you. Even if you don’t like me now, you’re still single. Give me a chance, please?”

Clarissa listened as the woman sobbed. My heart would have melted if I were a man.

Yet the man remained silent.

“Matthew!” the woman shouted.

Clarissa stopped short, only to see Matthew walking out from the corner.

The woman had caught up to him and was hugging him from behind.

“You…” The woman froze at the sight of Clarissa.

“Clare!” Matthew called out abruptly before Clarissa could feign ignorance and walk away.

Her legs gave way, and she almost fell.

The woman gave Clarissa a hostile once-over.

Matthew’s lips curled into a smirk as he distanced himself from the woman and cast Clarissa a suggestive glance.

“Come here, Clare,” he ordered, allowing no room for rejection. Yet his tone sounded somewhat gentle.

Damn it!

Clarissa could feel that the man had something sinister up his sleeves.

“H-Hello, Uncle Matthew.” She let out an awkward chuckle. “What a coincidence.”

“Uncle Matthew? You’re Mr. Tyson’s niece?”

“Um… Yeah.”

“Come here,” Matthew repeated.

“Uncle Matthew, I’m here with some friends, so I’ll just…”

Clarissa had barely taken a step when Matthew approached her in large strides, embracing her while caressing her waist with his fingers.

He tugged his lips into a wicked grin at her expression.

“U-U-Uncle Matthew…” Clarissa stammered, wanting to push him away. However, his action and her term of endearment only made them look as though they were flirting with each other.

“Why are you still calling me ‘Uncle Matthew’?”

The woman’s expression clouded over as she shot Clarissa a death glare.

She seems to be in her twenties. And here I thought he’s a mature man who is not into young girls like the others. Guess I was wrong.

“I didn’t know you’re into this, Mr. Tyson,” the woman mocked.

“No, no, no, you must have misunderstood. I-”

Matthew tightened his grip around Clarissa’s waist, forcing her to shut up.

“You know, I’m a man too, Ms. Cole. The man you love is not the real Matthew Tyson.”

“Do the Tysons know about this niece of yours? Is she even qualified to be the daughter-in-law of the Tysons?”

“I’m afraid that’s none of your business, Ms. Cole.”

The woman turned on her heels and marched off.


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