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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 8

That’s it?

Matthew rose to his feet and left the room. Instantly, Clarissa sighed in relief.

My instincts were right.

Matthew has his suspicions about me.

But why did he make that horrifying joke?

Deep down, Clarissa was cursing him as she vowed to stay away from him.

Exhaling loudly, she stood up and exited the private room.

To her surprise, Matthew was waiting at the entrance of the restaurant. He was talking to someone on his phone with one hand in his pocket.

Clarissa was planning to sneak out, but he spotted her. She came to a stop and stood beside him quietly.

The customers who entered and left the restaurant would glance at them briefly. Clarissa wondered if they were staring at her or Matthew.

After ending the phone call, Matthew’s gaze landed on her.

“Mr. Tyson, I’ll be off-”

“My car is here. Let’s go,” he ordered.

This time, Clarissa refused to give in.

“No thanks. I can walk.” She rejected his offer sternly; her gaze shining with determination.

Matthew raised a brow and smirked.

“Are you mad?”

Clarissa couldn’t get used to the sudden change in his mood.

Why is he grinning? What is so funny about this?

She mused silently, but dared not show it.

“No,” she answered.

“I was just joking.”

“Oh, it better be a joke.”


“Nothing, Mr. Tyson. I was saying I got it. Your joke took me by surprise.”

Clearly, she was mocking him.

The corner of Matthew’s mouth quirked up. This aroused his interest as he had some time to pass.

“I thought young people like you love to joke.”

“Ha! Uncle Matthew, you’re too old to understand the younger generation well. There are different jokes.”

Clarissa glanced at the street anxiously. Why isn’t my ride here yet?

Also, why is Matthew this free?

I thought his time is valuable as he can earn millions in mere minutes?

His gaze darkened at her impatience.


Suddenly, Clarissa’s impatient scowl became a sly smile.

“Uncle Matthew, this is how us young people joke. You don’t like it, right? Then stop playing jokes with me. There’s a generation gap between us.”

Clarissa patted herself on the back for coming out with the perfect retort.

Her eyes lit up in delight, causing Matthew’s heart to skip a beat.

He promptly looked down and swiveled his head. By then, his driver had arrived.


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