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You’ll Fall for Me, Today or Tomorrow novel Chapter 89

“He’s not? Doesn’t he care about you?”

Ellie was immediately riled up. What kind of boyfriend is he?

He was too petty previously, but now he doesn’t care at all! Ellie couldn’t help but feel that this man was too unreliable.

Clarissa wasn’t aware of her friend’s disapproval at that moment, stretching out her arm with a wince on her face. Ow, it really hurts…

“Anyway, it’s a good thing he’s not coming! What am I supposed to tell him if he does? That I got into a fight?”

Ellie was terrified when her friend put it this way.

She was the one who started this and ended up implicating Clarissa, so she had no right to complain about others.

Clarissa reached out to hug Ellie, but the police officer on duty interjected in a strict tone, “What are you two doing? No hugging! Sit back down!”

Ellie whipped her head around and glared at the plainclothes officer who had taken her statement earlier.

With a displeased look on her face, she retorted, “We love each other and just can’t help it, okay? Who the hell do you think you are, anyway? Why aren’t you in your uniform during working hours? And you even yelled at me? Just because you’re a police officer, you think can just yell at anyone? Do officers nowadays have such horrible attitudes? Be careful or I might file a complaint against you.”

The plainclothes officer smiled coldly and his gaze turned sharp, making him look inexplicably dangerous at that moment.

He didn’t say anything, only folding his arms over his chest, causing his muscles to ripple beneath his T-shirt. It was easy to tell that his sculpted body was the result of years of working out.

Ellie narrowed her eyes at him, but another younger uniformed police officer interrupted them.

“Captain Hayes, sorry for troubling you. Let me take over.”

The young police officer courteously led his captain, Shawn Hayes, away. After he settled down in his seat, he noticed that Ellie was staring at Shawn’s retreating figure.

“Ms. Tyson?”

Ellie withdrew her gaze and frowned. “Who was that? Why is he in casual clothes? And ‘captain’?”

“That’s the Captain of the Criminal Investigation Unit, Captain Hayes. He happened to come over to handle some matters, so he helped us out.”

Ellie scoffed. “Captain Hayes, you said? I’ll keep that in mind.”

Seeing Ellie gnash her teeth in anger, the young officer was astonished. Well, this is a first. Usually, all the women who meet our captain are instantly bewitched.

He shook his head subtly and continued with his work.

Shortly after, Matthew’s lawyer arrived to bail them out. Clarissa initially thought that the lawyer came alone. Thus, she was immensely relieved. However, when she walked out of the police station with Ellie, she spotted a familiar car parked by the doors.

Ellie was unperturbed, but Clarissa’s stomach lurched, and her whole body stiffened.

Matthew got down from the car, his expression cold and terrifying while he exuded an intimidating aura. Ellie linked arms with Clarissa and stopped just a few meters away from him.

Ellie cracked a cajoling smile before chirping, “Uncle Matt, I feel bad for bothering you so late at night. You really didn’t have to come over personally. Everything’s settled now, so let’s all go home.”

Matthew kept mum, his gaze shifting from Ellie to Clarissa. His eyes flashed briefly before he approached them in long strides.

“Don’t be mad, Uncle Matt. I swear, this time it was someone else- Huh?”

Ellie watched as her uncle snatched Clarissa from her and carried her into the car. Still in shock, she stayed rooted to the spot.

“Get in!” Matthew said in a clipped tone.

Only then did Ellie trudge toward the car and get into the front passenger seat, completely perplexed.

“Head to the hospital,” Matthew ordered.

Afraid to turn back to look at her uncle, Ellie glanced at him through the rearview mirror. She perceived the glacial look on his face and Clarissa’s stiff posture.

Mustering the courage, she turned her head slightly to peek at her bestie.

The two of them made eye contact, but there was nothing else they could do.

No one dared to speak first. First, Matthew’s aura was too oppressive and the extreme coldness seeping from him could very well form icicles in the car. Second, Clarissa was scared out of her wits as she had been completely caught off guard by his actions earlier. Right now, all she could do was play dumb to avoid angering him further, lest he do something even more outrageous that would utterly blow their cover.

She knew Matthew had intentionally done that, wanting her to feel on edge.

Hah, I knew it. He’s a petty man through and through.

The car headed directly to the hospital. Matthew immediately scooped Clarissa into his arms when she got down from the car. Meanwhile, Ellie piteously trailed behind them on her own two feet. As she stared at her uncle’s back, she was suddenly overcome with self-pity.

However, that feeling quickly vanished after Clarissa was given a checkup.

Clarissa had sustained more injuries than she had, because the former had blocked most of the attacks. Ellie was overwhelmed with guilt as she cried out, “Clare, why didn’t you say something? It’s all my fault. You shouldn’t have protected me! I deserved to be beaten up…” She sobbed louder just then.

“Ellie, stop crying. You would’ve done the same for me. You’re my best friend and I’d take a bullet for you.”

Clarissa thought she could make light of the situation and express her loyalty to her friend at the same time.

However, off to the side, Matthew released a mirthless laugh.

“Why don’t I go get a gun and put your statement to the test? You’re really something, aren’t you Clarissa?”


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