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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 126

Chapter 0126

I nod and turn to walk back up the stairs. “You were put up with Cameron and Dakota?” She takes a deep deliberate inhale. Obviously catching the scent off the sweatshirt to answer her own question. “How did you manage that? I was told no one but warriors were being added to that floor, even when all of the beds had been given out. I know, I was the last to be assigned a spot, and some moron tried to put me on the floor in the formal living room. I had to explain who I was and then move a lesser pack member myself.” She sounds almost shocked, not like her usual high pitched voice. For sure still that entitled elitist attitude though.

‘Seeing as Skylar is both a warrior and lives in the Packhouse, I see no reason for her to explain the arrangements she has with your Alpha and Luna."

Osiston answered before I could. I took another couple of slow steps up the stairs trying to make some distance between her and I before she decided to use her claws against me. But her attention was no longer on me.

Kaley turns to face him fully, throwing a hand on her hip. “And how do you know her name so well, when you Call the rest of us child or children? I am going to be the next Luna, you would do well to learn my name warrior.” There’s the condescending tone I know.

Osiston stands to his full height, his chest looks even wider like this. “Let’s be clear, Luna or not I would still outrank you, so knowing your name is of no priority to me until such time as the Moon Goddess herself decides you are worthy of being a Luna. And even then you would do well to speak with respect.

Next, everyone of significance knows Skylar’s name because of her efforts in the trials. She has made a name amongst the King’s warriors and guards because of her fighting skills, which are unmatched by anyone else in this pack and her respectful nature towards everyone in her pack and visiting packs. You, child, must earn the right to have your name known and more importantly remembered.” He stares at Kaley for a moment before his eyes glaze over briefly.


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