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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 347

I don’t know about this. I have never been with the group alone before. I don’t know why it scares me, but I have a really bad feeling about it. But, I guess if I have a bad feeling then maybe it’s better that Mina is away from the mess if something happens. It’s one less person to keep track of. All of the warriors only have to focus on one target instead of multiple.

I nod, after a few minutes. I love that Osiston just lets me be in my head and process things the way that I need to. He doesn’t rush my thought process at all, even when I am sure he can guess what I am thinking and knows I am wrong. He lets me learn.

“So what should I do now? I don’t know if I will be able to sleep with all of this going on after my run.”

“We won’t be here when you get back. Tyler only watches the house when you are here. He’s waiting or watching for something, I just don’t know what it is yet. Maybe invite him to run with you tonight, see what he says.”

I nod. “Okay.” Then I get up and head to my room. I have butterflies and I can’t tell if they are good or bad omens. This is really happening, something is happening tomorrow and I hope I get to be on the right outcome of it.

I text Tyler.

Me: Care for a run?

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: Sure, you okay?

Me: Not sure, just antsy and I don’t want to run alone

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: Where’s Mina?

Me:Too busy with a new boy.

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: I heard, Tell her to be careful, He’s a player.

Me: And you aren’t…

Tyler Hot Ecology Guy: Ouch! And No, you cured me of that.


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