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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 348

“You know it’s not less creepy when I know you’re here somewhere and I can’t see you or smell you right?” I say out into my yard. I figure he’s being extra strange because he knows Robbie talked to me today. And I have to play along like it’s cute and not a major red flag.

Tyler steps out from the shadows of our neighbors house. It’s not quite dark yet, but he obviously knows the blind spots well. I’m just glad that Osiston said they have had eyes on him whenever he is trailing me. So I at least know he’s not as sneaky as he thinks he is.

His smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “What did Robbie say to you today?” He stops just short of my porch steps, a dark look in his eyes. I don’t think it's jealousy though. I can’t quite read him.

I step down slowly, approaching him like a skittish animal. “He asked me if we were back together.”

“And what did you say?” He doesn’t make a move towards me. His whole demeanor has changed since earlier today.

“I told him we were never actually together, there was nothing official, but I was working on being friends again.” I take another step towards him.

“Do you play with all of your guys like that?”

“So, you’re back to thinking I’m a wh*re. Good to know it doesn’t take much to change your mind about people. Just because one girl messed you up doesn’t mean we all will.” I take a slow breath and try to keep my emotions in check, I have to keep him calm. His temper is what has changed or maybe it’s slipping, now that I think about it. “You said you were patient, I called you, remember?” I reach my hand out to him, waiting to see if he will come back to the Tyler I enjoy hanging out with.

He grunts and gives a small shake of his head like he’s physically clearing his thoughts. “You did call me didn’t you?”


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