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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 392

“Well that sounds ominous.” I say to my wolf and she just purs a little in my chest.

“I’m just glad we’re back. We need to figure out what they used on you that kept us apart for so long. We normally can work off anything, even silver after a few hours. I want to know what Mike and his witches were doing that actually affected us.”

“I didn’t even think of that, you’re right. I forget that all the things Kaley did to me didn’t ever last that long, but we were gone a month and I could feel the wolfsbane and belladonna and whatever else they gave me working.”

“What’s your wolf thinking?” Jena asks, suddenly pulling me from my conversation.

“Oh, umm, she was asking about the stuff that Mike’s people gave us. I don’t usually have that big of a reaction. My body kind of just gets rid of stuff like wolfsbane with minor effects, but whatever Mike gave us, was enough to mess me up and separate me from my wolf the whole time we were there.”

“Really? How did you learn to not be affected?”

“I didn’t learn, just born like that and unfortunately I have had some experiences that let me find out the hard way what my body and my wolf can do.” I say vaguely. I know at some point I will have to explain to her that she isn’t alone when it comes to sh*tty experiences, she just happens to have the worst between the two of us.

“Well, that sounds like a story that needs drinks to get through.”

“Yep.” I say popping the ‘P.’ “Now let's eat before everyone else gets back, lunch is worse than breakfast and I have a feeling people left us alone on orders, but I don’t know how long that will last. Warriors are worse than a group of middle school girls when it comes to gossip. And I just got back from a mission I should have been too young to go on and came back with a hot alpha female.”

She giggles. “Well I’m glad you were on it, because no one else would have been able to get me out of the hellhole. I wonder how long I’m going to have nightmares about it?”

“No idea, but I can’t even imagine what yours are, mine are bad enough.” I say as we get back into the cantina.


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