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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 416


I roll my eyes at him. “We are due for a meeting with Alpha Reggie, Luna Anne and Mina. Sorry, have to run, a kingdom to take care of and all.” We start to turn and they both begin to protest when Mina comes around the corner making the same assessment that I did.

“I have been looking for you two everywhere. Ladies,” She gives the girls the briefest look, then turns back to us. “ We need to get to Luna Queen Anne’s office immediately.” Then turning toward the dumbstruck girls. “Make sure you find your way back down to the common areas where guests are allowed. We wouldn’t want you to get in trouble again and be banned from another royal function.” She takes Xander’s other arm and we all walk off.

I could barely contain my laughter and I for sure could not look at Mina. It is far too much fun to mess with those girls, but damn, they were exhausting sometimes.

We make it to Luna Anne’s office and all collapse in chairs.

I let my head fall back on the comfy low-backed chair. “We need to find your female mate. I am so tired of being called a sl*t and a wh*re by girls who are just mad that I can hold a conversation with you and keep your attention for longer than thirty seconds. They don’t attack Mina like that.”

“What did you say?” My eyes fly open, I didn’t even realize Luna Anne was in here. I thought we just came in for an escape.

“I am so sorry, I did not mean to talk like that in front of you.” My eyes went wider when I noticed Alpha Reggie was there too. I look down at my hands, really not wanting to repeat my comment.

“Charlene and Olympia cornered me on my way up to get Midge from her lesson with Elana. They had some choice words to say about her.” Xander tried to smooth over for me.

“Alexander, explain, now! I want to know what those two are up to. They are not allowed up here, and I will not have them spreading rumors or bad mouthing anyone inside this castle. If they cannot maintain a certain level of decency I will remove them myself.”

I don’t think I have ever heard her use his full name before, outside formal events. She’s just as scary as Alpha Reggie when she needs to be.

Between the two of us, we explain the situation with the girls and let Mina tell her addition to the story. I noticed while Mina was talking that she kept scratching at her arm. After we were done talking I could tell that the Alpha and Luna were having a discussion over their mindlink, so I took the opportunity to ask about Mina’s arm.

“What’s wrong with your brand? You keep scratching at it, like you’re allergic to something.”

“Not sure, but it has been like this since I woke up this morning. I have felt kind of off all day too, like I am getting sick or have a fever.”


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