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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 417


“Help is coming Mina. Hold on just a little longer okay?” She just nods at me while she is trying to hold her position and taking deep controlled breaths.

About five minutes later several things happened all at once. Mina drops to the ground in the fetal position, panting and holding her arm, but not making a sound. She is trying to be brave and stay calm like Doc Sylvia asked. Then she let out a blood curdling scream and went limp in my arms as a pulse of magic burst out of her and expanded away from us like a ripple from a drop of water. Then I heard the most feral gowl I have ever heard in my life.

Doc Sylvia comes running at me from the front of the castle, a door bangs behind me but I can’t be bothered to look while my friend lays here limp. The next thing I know I am lifted off my feet and tossed aside. I slid across the floor coming to a stop only because I hit a wall.

“What did you do to her?!” Xander’s growl and menacing look told me his wolf was almost completely in control.

“Xander? I…I didn’t do anything. Please let Doc Sylvia help her.”

“Stay back! No one else hurts mate!”

Mate?! Oh sh*t!

“Xander, please. Her warrior bond broke, but it wasn’t supposed to do that. She’s in pain. Let Doc Sylvia help her. Where is Oscar? He’s going to want to be with her too. She needs both her mates.” I try pleading with his wolf, staying right where I am. I don’t need his wolf attacking me or shifting right on top of her.

“Oscar?” His growl is still there, but less as the thought of his other mate calms him.

“Yes, call for Oscar.” I plead. “He needs to be here too. You both together can help her heal. She’s been having trouble with her warrior brand for weeks. Maybe your bond caused it to break since you have been spending so much time together.”

“That’s a good theory, Skylar. Can You call Oscar though, I don’t know if Xander’s wolf is going to give him enough control to do that.”

“Oscar, we need you. We found your female mate and Xander is losing his mind here. Please try to calm him or a lot of us are going to get hurt. His wolf is on a warpath.”


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