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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 418


Finally on day three we got a reprieve from her coma.

“Wha…Where am I? What happened? I feel like I am moving through sand.”

We all jump up. Xander and Oscar have made her a sandwich every night. I have been sleeping on a recliner and not loving it, but the alternative was worse. I found I got sick if I was away from her, trying to sleep in my own room. So here I am.

“My head hurts. Sky what did we do at the Alpha meeting? We didn’t take shots did we?”

She still thinks it was days ago.

“No, we didn’t do shots.” I smile at her, at least her humor is still intact. Do me a favor, take a deep breath and tell me what you notice.”

She looks at me funny but does what I ask. “Oh, my what is that?” She sniffs again and then looks around, just noticing Xander and Oscar sitting next to her. “Oh, sh*t!”

I giggle and she looks back at me. “You found your mates and it seems you weren’t ready for that surprise.”

“No way! There is no way I’m their mate. That is not possible, I cannot be the next Luna Queen. No one would want me as their queen.” She’s still talking to me like the guys aren’t even there.

“You’re our Queen.” Oscar purrs behind her.

“Oh, no! I’m out, ya’ll need to talk…or whatever.” I got up and tried not to run out of the room.



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