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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 419


“Well it took you weeks to heal and you returning to health was everyone’s main priority and then we were all told to leave you alone and let you focus on training. Everyone was really worried about you and your safety. I was actually surprised that the Alpha King let you go to school and train.”

“I see it differently. No one wanted me to train, but they also didn’t want to ‘waste my skill.’” I rolled my eyes. “Just because I was too young to do the full training. So the obvious choice was the hybrid thing, that no one else does, which brought even more attention, negatively, to me. Audrina saw fit to spread rumors that I slept my way into the training program and even went so far as to try and haze me out on my first day. That was super fun. Then it got more weird when I started attending functions at the castle, again something no other warrior does, inciting more rumors both in the castle and on the training compound. No one knew I was related to Alpha Reggie, so some of the rumors I heard were a little gross. Then, I was sent on a mission because my age and intelligence conveniently fit into a bracket that served their purpose, so then my age wasn’t an issue and I was allowed to be branded. Oh and I went into the mission with the intention of getting captured, might I add.”

I took a deep breath in slowly and out slowly.

“I know I sound like I am complaining, and maybe I am a little, but it just feels like I am a walking contradiction. Everyone is worried about my safety and wants to keep me in a bubble, but my skill set requires me to be on the frontlines. I’m too young to participate, but my knowledge is needed. Things need to be kept from me because it’s assumed that I might be triggered, but no one thinks to ask if I want to know and everything comes back to me dealing with it anyway. Oh and to top it all off I am related to the royal family and have special abilities, but no one can really explain them because I have multiple, again unlike anyone else before me. It’s like a bad pattern. Like I told the guys, I know you all mean well, and it’s coming from a place of love, but at some point I really do want a say in what I am going to do with my life. Do you realize that the only thing I actually asked for was to do warrior training when I turned 18?”

I sit down in a squishy reading chair by the window and rub my face again, leaning my elbows on my knees and pressing so hard into my eyes I see colors behind my eyelids. It’s the first time I have said any of these things out loud before. All my worries, all the jumbled thoughts in my head. Everything that is overwhelming me. I feel drained all of a sudden.


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