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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates (skylar) by Miss l Free novel Chapter 632

“Sierra!” I shout before she can shift and run away. “It’s time.” She looks like she wants to kill me, but I won’t risk her or her pup and she knows it.

“Time for what?” Cam asks, but the grip on my stomach tells me he knows exactly ‘what.’

She growls and says nothing. I open my mouth, we don’t have time for her pride, she blurts, “I might be pregnant.” She covers her face. “It’s not confirmed and Sky with her freak nose is the only one who thinks so, but...”

Sam stands there with the dumbest look on his face and I wish I could take a picture, it’s adorable. His shaggy blonde hair is all disheveled from the fight, but his dark blue eyes are wide as the truth slaps him in the face.

“I’m a…I’m gonna be a…wait.” He looks at me, that giant smile falling slowly. “You think she’s pregnant with our pup.” He starts using his hands to wildly gesture. “You clearly knew before you came into this fight, told her and YOU STILL LET HER FIGHT THAT LUNATIC!?! WHAT THE F*CK WERE YOU THINKING SKYLAR?!?” I don’t think he noticed Jena and Lil step in front of Sierra during his outburst. “She could have been hurt! They both could have been hurt, we could lose our pup. I can’t f*cking believe you.” He is so pissed at me, but he isn’t shaking or ready to fly at me. His wolf is keeping him from doing anything stupid. Telling me their wolves have probably already had this conversation.

“HEY! Slow down.” Dakota steps in front of me. Both his hands raised showing he doesn’t want to fight.

I take a deep breath, letting her fight was always going to be a touchy subject. Once I know I am calm, I wiggle out of Cam’s arms, immediately missing his body heat, and step around Dakota. A warm hand slides up my back and rests gently on my shoulder. My mates won’t let me battle anything alone again.

“Watch your tone, Delta.” I let a little of my Alpha aura out. “My Delta was given a choice having all the information we had at the time. We decided that she was most safe with us, not alone. She decided she wanted to fight for a home and future to raise your pup in. I made her tell you now, knowing we are going into another battle that is going to be heavy in magic. That is less predictable and I don’t think she should be in the fight, but it’s not my choice to make. You deserve to know, no regrets today. You two can debate whether she should fight in the safety of this ruined camp.” I gesture around me.

I step to my friend and pull her into a hug. “I love you.” I whisper into her ear.

“Love you too, traitor.” She squeezes me back, then hugs Jena and Lil.

I turn and follow the path Nathaniel started toward our unknown disaster. We all shift quickly and I do another check in with everyone. Maybe the Goddess is helping somehow. Because Martha and Lenny are alright, they were with Ava and Brett moving the prisoners out of the pit and to the underground cells.

***”Osiston, Nikolas, Gentry, Elena. Do any of you have any idea where all of these wolves are coming from? Some of them seem like they aren’t even alive. It’s like they are zombie puppets. At least this last group was. Does she have that kind power?”***

Chapter 0632 1

Chapter 0632 2


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