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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101

“The police are still investigating exactly what happened. Apparently, he received an anonymous text and left his office in the afternoon. In the end, he was beaten up.”

Hans has a good temper and had just returned to the country. Who could he have offended?

Shaking her head, Janice said, “He’s a lawyer, and it’s very often that they offend someone. It’s not something surprising. We’ll have to wait for the police investigations to know the details.” When she saw the injury on Rachel’s legs, she added, “Let’s attend to your wounds first. I’ll take you there.”

At the debridement department of the hospital, the doctor bandaged Rachel’s wounds and left her with advice such as avoiding contact with water and such, to which she nodded obediently.

After Hans had his surgery done, he was wheeled into a ward, and Rachel stayed with him in the room. Later, Janice received a call and said that she had to leave at the last minute.

Go ahead. I’ll stay here. It’s fine.

“Please keep him company for a while then.”

On the hospital bed, Hans lay there with seven or eight stitches on his forehead, and he was still unconscious because the anesthetic had yet to wear off.

As Rachel tucked him under the blanket properly, her heart was in a mess. Hans had just returned to the country and barely received any cases. Why would he suddenly offend someone who would beat him up so badly?

“Is Hans staying in this hospital?” A familiar voice came from the door.

Jolted away from her thoughts, Rachel turned and saw that the door was pushed open as Justin stormed in in his black suit.

With a bang, the door closed behind him, and Rachel sprang up suddenly. The piercing pain in her knee made her face contorted with agony.

Justin’s gaze went past her and fell on the bed behind her. “This is the emergency you told me? It is an emergency… if it’s a funeral.”

In an instant, Rachel felt as though she had fallen into a pit, and she stepped backward subconsciously until her thigh was pressed against the side of the bed. She held onto the rail at the end of the bed for support.

Looking at her coldly, Justin asked, “Don’t you have an explanation for me?”

Hans lost a lot of blood in the surgery and he has a rare blood type. The blood bank in the hospital doesn’t have enough, so I have to be here.

“Really? So you jumped off the car like a madman without any regard for your life, just because of a call?”

It was an emergency. I’m sorry. All of a sudden, she felt a tightness in her throat, and her hands stopped mid air as she tried to say something.

With his hand around her throat, Justin gripped her as easily as he was holding a chick. He was looking down at her from above, enveloping her in a dark shadow. She stopped breathing as he hissed, “I’ve warned you before, Rachel. As long as you’re still Mrs. Burton, you have to stay away from other men. Looks like you didn’t listen to a word I said, huh?”

No. Rachel shook her head lifelessly and struggled to gesture. Hans and I are only friends.

However, Justin was unmoved. As a man himself, he didn’t believe at all that pure friendship could exist between a man and a woman. It seemed impossible to him that a man who was willing to travel thousands of miles back from abroad for Rachel’s sake had no designs toward her.

“So, does this mean that you will drop everything in your hands and come running toward him without a care whenever this friend of yours is in trouble? Is he the most important thing in your life?”

Choked by his grip, Rachel was unable to make a sound, and her face was turning blue. In those innocent eyes of hers, hot tears rolled around before falling down and dripping on the back of the man’s hand.

At that moment, a surprised look appeared in Justin’s eyes because a hand was suddenly grabbing the hem of his suit, and was tugging it downward strongly.


Without anyone noticing, Hans had woken up and had gotten a hold of Justin’s clothes. “Let her go!” he cried in a hoarse, trembling voice.

Rachel’s face was completely drained of color now. She yelled wildly in her mind, Let go quickly, Hans! Let go now!

“You’re asking for it!” Justin growled, his dark eyes narrowed.


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