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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 103

Chapter 103

Rachel gritted her teeth as she held her despair in. I don’t know.

“You don’t know? I was gone for less than two hours, but he was already unconscious when I came back. Blood was everywhere, but you were nowhere to be seen. And you tell me you don’t know?”

How is he looking now?

“Take a guess, genius,” Janice growled. “Comminuted fracture. The doctor suggests getting his left leg amputated and replacing it with a prosthetic. Do you have any idea what this will cost him?”

Rachel was still gritting her teeth while holding her tears in.

“What on earth were you thinking?”

I’m sorry

“Apologizing won’t cut it! What are you doing? You’re still helping them even at this point? What are you trying to cover up for those b*stards?”

I’m still looking into it. Give me some time.

“I can afford the time, but not Hans!” Janice was furious. “Rachel, Hans has gone above the call of duty for you. He tried to get you away from the Burtons! Heck, Riverdale, even! But what did you do? You won’t even tell me who broke his leg! If you’re a novel protagonist, you’ll be nothing but a coward!”

Rachel still wouldn’t say it, but her fists were already red from all the clenching. She couldn’t say it, for the Burtons were unbelievably powerful in Riverdale. Janice might be a deputy chief, but she still had to be careful, even with the Hudsons. There was no way she could take on the Burtons, who could effectively ignore the law. Rachel was clear that she needed more evidence and a more powerful individual to take Justin out.

“You aren’t talking? Fine!” Janice slammed a document on the table. “This here is a formal complaint. I’m sure Justin’s behind this. The prosecutor is already looking into the case. I hope you’ll be the witness on the day of the trial. I pray that you at least have that shred of conscience left. You’d be nothing but trash otherwise.” Janice then stormed off.

Rachel was left alone in the café, looking pale. A while later, she drove to the hospital herself. Before she got into the ward, she heard the doctor saying, “We’ll need your family’s permission for this surgery as soon as possible. It’ll be better for you.”

“My father’s overseas, so he can’t come at the moment. I don’t plan on telling them either, so I’ll sign it,” Hans answered weakly.

Rachel knocked on the door, but she didn’t have the courage to go in.

“Rae?” Hans looked up to see who was there.

The doctor said, “Think about it then. I’ll be leaving now.”

“Yes. Thank you, doctor.” Hans patted the edge of his bed. He was listless, but he managed to smile. “Come in. Have a seat.”

Hans’ left leg was in a thick bandage, and the blanket couldn’t cover it. Rachel was heartbroken to see him in this state. She felt a surge of sadness coming up, and she started crying. I’m sorry.

“You don’t have to apologize, silly girl. Stop crying though. It’ll ruin your makeup.” Hans raised his hand, but he realized he couldn’t reach her. There was barely any distance between them, but he couldn’t make it. That realization made him despondent. “You can’t stay with the Burtons anymore, Rae. Justin is too dangerous.”

This is my fault.



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