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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105

“Are you trying to start a fight with me? Don’t think that you’re superior just because you got a spot in the family. If not for Justin, how long do you think you’ll be able to stay on the throne? Either way, I’m still impressed.” Amber suddenly lowered her body. “Hans already got his leg broken, yet you’re still attending the banquet with the assailant himself like nothing happened.”

Instantly, Rachel’s pupils contracted.

How did you know about it?

Even Julian had no clue that it was Justin who broke Hans’ leg, but Amber knew everything about it!

It was you!

Rachel immediately straightened her back.

The whole episode of Hans being beaten up and sent to the hospital-it was all part of Amber’s plan!

It must have been her!

To avoid the shares in her hand from getting transferred away, Amber came up with a plan to take Hans out to delay the transfer. Hence, she was always observing the entire incident, and that was also how she knew that Justin broke his leg afterward.

How could I have not seen this coming?!

As she stared straight at Amber, Rachel struggled to stand up by herself.

In response, her younger sister forcibly pressed her shoulder, shoving her back on the couch as she muttered, “Do you really think that Justin’s not aware of this? Do you know what he’s even more aware of? The fact that I’m the real heir to the Hudsons, and you’re but a worthless accident!”

Like a blade that pierced through her chest to the heart, those devastating words hit Rachel’s deepest wounds,

At once, Rachel’s eyes reddened with tiny blood vessels.

Curse you, Amber!

“Hmph!” Amber replied scornfully. “If curses actually work, nobody would be able to live in this world. Since you’re not doing anything about Gloria, I’ll do it myself, so you just wait and see!”

As she watched her sister’s leaving figure, Rachel couldn’t stop trembling as drops of tears flowed down her cheeks.

It’s because of me… It’s all because of me!

I shouldn’t have dragged Hans along in the first place!

Everything is too late now!

At this time, a person in a tailcoat walking across the room came into Rachel’s line of sight.

After regaining her senses, she seemed to have an epiphany. She swiftly held onto the couch as she struggled to get up.

After comforting Tina, Noah had exited the dressing room with a delighted face, clearly satisfied with the engagement party.

Although it was merely a business engagement, it was still a boost to his name as his fiance was known by the public to be exceptional in terms of looks, academics, and capabilities.

All of a sudden, he was blocked by a simple figure.

“You are?”

In front of him was a woman that appeared rather gentle with a pair of eyes that seemed to have wept earlier. Everything about her invoked pity.

Despite his history as a lady charmer, he had never seen one with such a look. At first glance, he had a slight indecent urge, to which he quickly took control of. “Rachel?”

‘I have something to tell you!

Rachel showed him her phone’s screen.

After adjusting his collar, Noah peeked around. “That’s not good, is it?”

‘It’s important, and it’s about Tina.

Upon reading that, he was slightly taken aback.

From the center of the banquet hall, the timbre of the piano graciously resonated throughout the air.

Meanwhile, every guest was awaiting the arrival of the lady of the night.



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