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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 113

Chapter 113

Rachel backed away in horror, but she was grabbed by the leg and dragged out of bed. It hurt when she knocked the back of her head against the edge of the bed, but before she could let out a cry, the fat man reached his hand out and ripped the strap of her dress in two. Then, a storm of lashes rained on her like crazy

“Aaaah!” She couldn’t dodge the lashes in time, but her muffled and hoarse cries of pain filled the man with great sensual pleasure. His greasy face was glowing all over as he became more and more excited, and he impatiently reached for Rachel’s chest.

Just then, the door was kicked open with a loud bang. Mr. Wayne was startled by this as he shuddered and paused what he was doing. “Who the f*ck=”Before he could look back, everything suddenly went black before his eyes. Someone had quickly covered his head from behind with a piece of black cloth and held him down in a corner. As he was being beaten up, he screamed repeatedly.

Meanwhile, Rachel cowered beside the bed. She looked like a rag doll; her hair was disheveled, and her clothes were in tatters. At the sight of the scene, Frankie turned pale. He hurriedly took off his suit jacket and covered her body with it.

Then, the sound of someone’s slow footsteps came from the door. Upon taking the hint from the frosty look in the man’s eyes, Frankie immediately made a gesture to the security guards and signaled them to drag Mr. Wayne-who was still screaming and moaning inside the bag-out of the room.

The door closed again with a click, and Rachel lay prostrate at Justin’s feet, her whole body trembling. I know I’ve done something wrong.

Don’t do this…

As he looked down at the woman before him, Justin’s eyes were as cold as a block of ice. He squatted down and lifted her delicate, pretty face in a subtle and gentle manner. “It’s good that you’re aware of your mistakes. Remember what you felt today, once you leave the Burton Family, you’ll become a nobody who can be trampled on by anyone.”

Rachel shivered as she grinded her teeth. Why? Why me? Justin still had numerous choices even without her. Why would he insist on torturing her like this? Why wouldn’t he let her off?

“That’s because you’re Rachel Hudson. You’re a daughter from the Hudson Family on paper, but in reality, you have no one at your back. Compared to Amber, you’re easier to manipulate. Besides, even if you die at the Burton Residence one day, do you think anyone would ask me anything about it?” Justin’s words reached Rachel’s ears one after another, jabbing at her every nerve like thorns.

Meanwhile, Rachel’s limbs were as cold as ice as she was plunged into the depths of despair.

Justin stared at her face and studied it for a moment. Then, he let go of her and turned around before saying, “I’ll give you a night to compose yourself. Go to work on time tomorrow morning.” After that, he left without looking back.

Rachel placed her hands on the floor to support her trembling body. She tried hard to clench her hands as if to grab something, but all she could grasp in her hand was nothing but a handful of air. It’s my fault for overestimating the meaning of my existence and underestimating how cruel Justin can be. I got Hans killed by thinking too highly of myself. Since she felt extremely dirty all over, Rachel kept rubbing the areas on her shoulders where the man had touched her. As she recalled what had happened just now, she felt a surge of gastric juices from her stomach. “Ugh…” After placing her hands on the floor, she puked her guts out like crazy.

Meanwhile, Frankie straightened up when Justin walked out of the private room. “How should we deal with Mr. Wayne, President Burton?”

“Beat him up, sever his tendons, and leave him in the suburbs. Make sure to leave no trace behind.”

“I got it. By the way, Miss Hochmann just called to ask your whereabouts. She seems to have something urgent to talk to you about.”

Justin took a look at his cell phone and noticed several missed calls from Gloria. After pondering for a moment, he then replied, “Stay here and send her home later.”

“Yes, President Burton.” Frankie sighed as he looked at Justin’s receding figure. I simply can’t understand what’s going on in his mind, he thought to himself.


Gloria looked anxious as soon as Justin arrived at her apartment. “Why are you so late? Miss Rachel is missing! She was still here when I left. Could something have happened to her? Should we call the police?”

“She’s fine.”

Gloria was stunned. “Did you take her away?”

Justin nodded slightly. Then, he let go of Gloria’s hand, went to the sofa, and sat down. “Do you have any liquor?”


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