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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 117

Chapter 117

Rachel clenched her fists, but her eyes looked as calm as a deep pool of stagnant water.

“Are you so unwilling to stay by my side?” Justin recalled the night of their wedding when he first saw her. At the time, she looked so weak and serene with a pair of innocent and kind eyes. However, his extreme hatred for the Hudsons was so tangled up with his pity for her that it ultimately gave rise to a desire to imprison her by his side forever.

Meanwhile, Rachel clenched her fists without uttering a sound. Hans’ death was something she could never get over. Even if Justin didn’t kill him, he had indirectly caused his death by breaking his leg. Therefore, she couldn’t forgive the man before her. Of course, perhaps he didn’t need her forgiveness at all.

“Get out.”

As soon as the two words were uttered, Rachel turned around and left without hesitation.

The sound of the door being closed reverberated in the study. After several flicks of the lighter, smoke curled upward behind the desk, blurring the man’s stony and gloomy face as he knitted his brows tightly for a moment.

A week later, a batch of drugs sold overseas by Hudson Pharmaceuticals was inspected at the aviation transportation center, and it revealed serious issues regarding the drugs’ quality. This incident was instantly publicized in the news media, causing a public uproar. As a result, a large number of agents gathered at the entrance of Hudson Pharmaceuticals and condemned the company, demanding refunds and payments of liquidated damages.

“You must help me this time, Rachel! If Justin doesn’t help us, Hudson Pharmaceuticals will be finished once these agents make trouble!”

However, Rachel remained calm and composed as she poured a cup of tea and handed it to Jefferey. Don’t worry. No one wants such a thing to happen. Don’t you know someone in the Food and Drug Administration very well?

“When someone falls from power, those beneath him tend to run away. Who would dare to help me right now if the public outcry isn’t dealt with? What’s lacking isn’t people, but money!” Jefferey was so anxious that he broke out in a cold sweat. After all, the situation this time was much more serious than the previous one. “Rachel, you’re now Hudson Pharmaceuticals’ major shareholder, so you’re both responsible and obligated to help solve this. Otherwise, this won’t do you any good either!”

Are you threatening me?

Jefferey’s face froze at her question. “T-That’s not what I’m saying.”

Rachel turned around and took a document out of the cabinet.

“What is this?”

The solution to the problem. I thought about it as soon as the incident broke out. Now, it depends on whether you’re willing to do so.

Jefferey’s face gradually hardened as he opened the document and turned a few pages. “Do you want me to cede the land in the southern Suburbs of Riverdale? Is this what you want or what Justin wants?”

I don’t have the capability to ask Justin for help without you having to sacrifice anything. Rachel responded with a cold expression. By the way, isn’t Amber working at the Burton Group as well? If you think I can’t help you, you can ask her instead. Perhaps she can persuade Justin better than I can.

Jefferey’s face darkened. Would he have to go so far as to come here and ask for Rachel’s help if Amber could really persuade Justin? Justin is obviously coaxing her by spending money to buy her some presents, but she can’t see through this herself, he thought to himself. “I’ll take it back and think about it.”

All right then, goodbye and take care. Rachel rang the bell at hand. Soon after that, her secretary opened the

door and came in to escort Jefferey out of the office.

After Jefferey left, Rachel sat down with a text message from Justin displayed on her phone’s screen. It read, ‘Has he agreed to it?’

‘Not yet, but I think he’ll agree to it.

‘Add fuel to the fire then.’

Rachel slowly clutched her cell phone as she read the text message.

On Friday, Hudson Pharmaceuticals’ share price plummeted before the stock market was closed for the day, the company’s stocks even hit rock bottom once.



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