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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 150

Chapter 150

“Mrs. Burton, have some herbal soup.”

Thanks, Miss Jennifer.

Rachel was reading a book on the couch with a sweater draped over her when Jennifer came with a bowl of soup.

The recently disgruntled Rachel had finally managed to recover a little thanks to Jennifer’s help in taking care of her by providing nutritious food.

“Why are you thanking me? All these bowls of herbal soup were sent by Frankie. He had been sending these tonics for the past two days and it would be a waste if you don’t eat them.”

While she drank the soup, Rachel glanced at one corner of the living room where Frankie placed all the tonics

earlier from the corner of her eye.

Although Justin hadn’t visited for the past few days, the items at home still continued to arrive as Frankie would swing by with bags after bags of things every morning.

Even though Rachel didn’t talk to Justin, she still acknowledged everything that he did.

Miss Jennifer, thank you for the past two days.

“You’re welcome.” Jennifer pointed at the kitchen. “There’s still more herbal soup in the kitchen. You should drink some since you haven’t eaten lunch yet, Frankie. I’ll go and get some for you.”

“It’s fine,” came Frankie’s reply.

Nevertheless, Jennifer still proceeded to the kitchen despite his refusal.

At the same time, Rachel placed her bowl of herbal soup back on the table before she lowered her head to read her book

Upon seeing that, Frankie hesitantly responded, “Mrs. Burton, the reason why President Burton hasn’t been returning home is because he’s afraid that you’ll lose your appetite at his sight. He actually cares about you.”

However, she snorted.

For the past six months, everything that Justin had done made her feel like throwing the towel. As for Hans and Grandma’s deaths, which one of them wasn’t caused by him? What is he trying to do by being nice to me again?

This isn’t him caring for me; this is him being possessive.

I’m just a toy to him that he bought from Jefferey. Even though Justin doesn’t like me, he would never let anyone have me since he has purchased me and I belong to him forever.

“Mrs. Burton, it’s not like that.” Frankie didn’t know how to defend Justin. “Do you still blame President Burton for Nancy’s death?”

Shouldn’t I? Rachel shot Frankie a cold look. If she was your family member, would you have acted like nothing happened?

“It’s not like President Burton didn’t want to save her, though. He already asked his men to withdraw the second it happened,”

She was stunned before she thought, Justin asked his men to withdraw? Still, he made the police report! If he hadn’t done so, Grandma wouldn’t have died.

“Police report?” It was his turn to give her an odd look. “Who told you that President Burton made a police report? When the kidnappers demanded a case filled with gold bars, President Burton made a deal to hand

them the gold bars in exchange for Nancy. He even went alone without me!”

At this moment, Rachel sat up in disbelief. That’s impossible. How did Grandma die, then?

“Didn’t the doctor tell you? Nancy’s illnesses acted up again, which was why she passed away the second day after she was kidnapped. The only reason why the kidnappers continued to mess around with us was for more money!”

Her face immediately turned pale. That’s not possible. How could this be?

Then, her hand, which was holding the book, started to tremble.

The book page was torn apart as a dazed Rachel stared at the book on her lap before tears started to drop on the page. Her vision became blurry and she couldn’t tell what was written on the book any longer. Justin wanted to save Grandma?


Frankie sighed. “The police came after that. I don’t know who made the police report, but it’s definitely not President Burton since he went for the deal alone. If it weren’t for the police, something might have already happened to him. You don’t even know how serious it was!”

His clear voice broke through all the allegations that she had made up in her mind. It was her hatred toward

Justin that caused her to make a fool out of herself.

The truth was the complete opposite of what Rachel had imagined.


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