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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 163

Chapter 163

“I’ll get my men to check all the neighborhoods that are near a river.” Janice put the glass shard down, looking troubled. “But this will be a big project, so we might go a while without any clues.” If Rachel is locked up somewhere near a river, that means every neighborhood in Riverdale that is near a river is going to be on our list.

Upon hearing that, Gloria offered, “My friend can help. I’ll ask them.”

“No. That’s too conspicuous. You’d best lay low or Justin will know something’s up. It’s going to be a problem if he takes Rachel somewhere else.”

“I don’t think he will. He’s seriously injured.” The mention of Justin’s situation saddened Gloria. Even though everyone thought he was a cruel person, she couldn’t bring herself to agree. She was really worried for him when she knew he was injured.

Julian patted her shoulder to show solidarity as he shared her sentiment, after all. Justin was his cousin so even though they weren’t on the best of terms, he was still Julian’s family. “Don’t feel too pressured, Gloria. We’re not betraying him. Just trying to make sure he won’t do something he’ll regret for the rest of his life.”

Gloria nodded.

“Then that’s it for now. I’ll assemble the squad,” Janice said.


The room was as dim as ever as there was only a small opening on the window that allowed sunlight to shine on the room. Rachel was watching some TV as usual, and a can of sour plums sat on the table before her. Aside from the TV, she had nothing that could connect her to the outside world.

Someone came to dispose of everything that had glass in it the day after Justin was injured. When Justin came himself, he saw a dozen or so plums lying on the table. “You like those plums? I’ll get Frankie to buy more tomorrow.”

Rachel looked at him. Can I even say no? She had no choice but to passively accept everything he gave her. What will it take for you to let me go?

Justin frowned. “After you give birth to the child.”

Don’t tell me you can’t find anyone else who wants to bear your child. You can get any woman you want with a wave of your hand, so why won’t you just let me go? Rachel suddenly got agitated and she gestured, Because I’m Jefferey’s daughter? I’ve already told you that I’m not!

“Calm down.” Justin held her wildly waving hands. “I said, calm down,” he growled.

Rachel tried to break free but she couldn’t. Her chest was heaving and her face became flushed. Meanwhile, her lips were trembling but she couldn’t make a sound.

“You have to stay calm. The doctor said so.”

Stay calm? She felt a lump in her throat and tears streamed down her cheeks. How can I even do that? Pretend my whole childhood never happened? Pretend that this man in front of me isn’t that boy I saved? Pretend that he’s not the cause of Hans and Grandma’s deaths? At that thought, Rachel flung Justin’s hand away.

Justin wanted to hold her, but he hesitated and decided against that in the end. He then poured her a glass of water and put her medicine on the table. “Take your meds.”

Rachel wiped her tears away and gulped all the meds without even looking at them, but they were stuck in her throat a moment later.

Upon seeing that, Justin handed her a glass of water. “Have some water.”




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