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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168

Rachel did not refuse.

Come early tomorrow.

Seeing how docile and well-behaved she was, Justin’s eyes oozed gentleness, and he couldn’t help but drop a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll come back when I’m done.”

Watching Justin’s figure disappear at the door of the ward, Rachel’s eyes slowly dimmed.

3.00AM in the morning.

Over the Riverdale International Airport, planes sliced through the clouds, roaring as they flew.

Under the night, Riverdale became smaller and smaller, eventually becoming a small dot that easily disappeared under the clouds.

Rachel’s gaze retracted from the window of the cabin-her face was pale.

“Hello, madam. Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

The flight attendant’s inquiry came from beside her. Before she could explain, Julian shook his head and answered, “She’s fine. Could you please give me a blanket and a glass of warm water?”

“Okay. One moment please.”

Julian covered Rachel’s legs with a blanket and looked at her with worry. “Why didn’t you rest for a few more days before leaving? I’m afraid that you will have to re-stitch the incision and suffer again when we get there since we left in such a hurry.”

Rachel twitched the corner of her mouth weakly.

I’m reborned once I left Riverdale. How would I be suffering?

“The baby-did you even get to take a look at her?”

I can’t bear to see her. I know I won’t be able to leave if I did.

Rachel squeezed her palm. In fact, she was awake when the baby was born, and the nurse did hold the baby to her, but she couldn’t bring herself to look at the baby and only closed her eyes.

Since it was destined that she could not be with this child, she thought she should cut all ties right from her birth.

Julian was afraid to continue, worrying that it would make her feel uncomfortable, so he sighed silently. “Take the medicine first and get some sleep-it’s all in the past now.”

Rachel slowly closed her eyes.

Indeed, it was all in the past.

Five years later.

In Yatruinia.

he SG Pharmaceutical Group Conference Center located in the center of the capital city of Yatruinia, the company executives were engaged in a heated discussion.

“The market for traditional medicine is further deteriorating. The market has extremely poor reviews; it


is obviously already a sunset industry. No matter how you look at it, the future will be the world of Western medicine, but we are doing research on traditional medicine at this time? What are we trying

to do? Return to the ancestors?”

The blond middle-aged man pointed at the data on the presentation screen and threw out a bold statement.

Everyone in the room nodded.

Most of the people in the conference room were from Yatruinia, and it caused the two foreign women to stand out even more.

On the seat closest to the presentation screen, a short-haired woman who was dressed in a chic dark

green suit maintained a calm expression as she quietly listened to the speech.

When the speech was over, she knocked on the table slightly. “David, I don’t agree with you.”

The meeting room fell into pindrop silence immediately while David’s expression changed.

“The market has never deteriorated. It’s just that the industry is too chaotic right now, and people have started to lose faith in traditional medicine-this just proves that the market has a huge opportunity, and there are gaps we could fill. It’s the perfect time for us to venture into it.”

“Chris, you are being unrealistic. Do you want to reshape the entire industry by yourself? This is something that not even the government can do. Do you think you will be able to achieve this alone?”

“Yes, I do believe that.”



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