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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 170


Chapter 170

“Justin couldn’t recognize you?”

Jolly was stunned for a moment, then she suddenly laughed. “Isn’t that normal? You are completely different from who you were five years ago. If I hadn’t been with you all the while, I wouldn’t have recognized you too.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course. Besides, you were a mute five years ago. Even if you told him you are Rachel, would he even believe it?”

Rachel thought about it for a while.

With that, Jolly hugged her neck and continued, “That’s enough. Stop thinking too much. My parents have prepared a welcome-home banquet for you, and they’ve been urging me the whole day. Hurry up!”

Rachel didn’t have time to think any more; she was immediately pulled into the car by Jolly.

On the other side, a black commercial car was speeding on the expressway leaving the airport.

“Where did it hurt when you fell? Show me.”

“No!” The little girl looked upset. At once, she crossed her arms and stared at Justin. “Daddy, you lied to me again.”

“What? Why would you say so?”

“You told me that you would only be away for three days. Tell me-how many days have you been away this time?”

Justin was helpless.

“Five days!” The little girl raised her little hand, showing five fingers. “You have been away for five days.

“Charlotte, something came up, and I couldn’t just walk away. But I brought you your favorite chocolate.”

“You keep lying to me! Daddy, do you not want me anymore? I know you are going to marry that woman. When that happens, you will have children of your own, and you will leave me.”

Hearing this, Justin frowned slightly. “Charlotte, who told you all these?”

“Everyone says so.”

Justin’s expression sank. “Well, we’re going to have to get a new batch of servants in the family.”

However, Charlotte didn’t care one bit about what he said. “Daddy, why do you even need to change them out? It is not going to solve anything. Even if you don’t let them say it, they will still think so in their hearts.”


“Daddy, I don’t like her. You can’t marry her.”

Justin replied, “This is a grown-up’s affair.”

“Auntie Tina told me that she is not a good person. If you marry her, I will ignore you forever! Bad



The more Charlotte spoke, the angrier she became. Her cheeks were puffed up, as if there were two balls stuffed in her mouth.

Hearing that, Justin immediately felt a headache.

The car headed to the summer villa.

As soon as Justin got out of the car, Amber came out to greet him with smiles painted all over her face.

“Justin, you’re back! Your mother and grandpa are all waiting for you to eat.”

With that, she reached out to take Justin’s hand.

Seeing that, Charlotte immediately stretched out her arms toward Justin. “Daddy, carry me!”

Justin had always fulfilled his daughter’s wishes, so he immediately picked her up and even helped her pull the corners of her skirt; his cold eyes were now filled with doting love.

Amber lowered her hands disappointedly. “Charlotte, I didn’t know you would come too.”

Hearing that, Charlotte rolled her eyes at her. Her sweet voice was filled with anger. “Please, this is my house. Do you think it’s problematic that I’ve come home with my Daddy for dinner? Do you think I am the extra person here? Aunt Amber?”



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