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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 185

Chapter 185

Amber said, “Charlotte, your mother doesn’t even know you’re allergic to honey. You were almost killed. Of course your daddy can’t let her take you.”

Charlotte was paling from anger, and she clenched her fists.

But then, someone said, “Ah, talking behind my back the moment I turn around, huh? Looks like you’ve been polishing your skills, my dear Amber.”

Amber froze up. A moment later, Rachel came in proudly.

“Mommy!” Charlotte was excited to see her.

“Hi, Charlotte.” Rachel ignored Justin and Amber. “Brought you some soup.” She put the thermos on the table. “Make sure you finish it.”

“Yeah, I will!”

“Here, I’ll help you,” Rachel said.

Just then, Justin could smell a faint stench of alcohol coming off from her, and he frowned. Before she could open the thermos, he dragged her out of the ward. “Are you drunk? Who told you you can come here?”

Rachel staggered backward, almost falling down. “Hey, you asked me to meet up with the foreigners.” She broke free of his grasp. Rachel looked drunk, but she could answer calmly, “And I did. Been two hours since I sobered up. I know I’m fine, so I came to see my daughter. Any problem with that?”

“You’re obviously drunk. You think you can see her in that state?” Amber mocked. “Or did you forget that Charlotte’s in the hospital because of the honey cookies you gave her?”

That only served to anger Justin further.

Amber continued, “Rachel, you abandoned your child years ago. But now you just swoop in and try to take Charlotte away like nobody’s business. What are you trying to do?”

“She’s my daughter. I can take her with me if I want to, and you can do nothing about it.”

“Is that so? I’m Justin’s fiancée.” Amber huddled closer to Justin. “I’ve been doing my best to take care of Charlotte. At least I know she’s allergic to honey, unlike you.”

Suddenly, someone blurted behind them, “And how are you so sure Rachel doesn’t know about Charlotte’s allergy?” The voice was soft, but it echoed throughout the corridor.

Amber was petrified, and even Justin froze up.

It had been five years, but Julian was still as calm as ever. “It’s been a while, Justin, Miss Hudson.” He looked at Justin and Amber coldly.

Amber looked stiff, but she managed to ask, “Dr. Peters. What a surprise. When did you come back?”

Rachel wanted to know as well.

Julian answered with a question, “Hm? You don’t seem to welcome me, Miss Hudson.”

Amber forced a smile. “Who? Me? That’s a misunderstanding. You’re Justin’s cousin and Madam Parham’s only son. She’s been looking forward to your return for a while now.”

“Is that so? And here I thought you’re worried I might say something that’ll ruin your plans.”



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