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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 202

Stunned, Rachel explained, “I just wanted to bring Samuel home earlier. People in the cafeteria are watching.”

“So what if they’re watching? I have nothing to be afraid of. Do you?”

“Why should I be afraid?”

“Then, eat.”

She became speechless upon hearing Justin’s reply.

“The first wife’s always the best. They have to get back together, seeing that they already have two children.”

“What a match made in heaven! They look so good together!”

“Everyone in Miss Chris’ department loves her because she has such a good temper.”

“Now that Charlotte’s biological mother has returned, her bad temper has no doubt improved. A child is always best parented by her real mother because a stepmother would only destroy her.”

One after another, the people in the cafeteria plunged into a discussion and offered their comments. Meanwhile, Amber, who had come all the way to bring Justin some food, was trembling as she held onto her phone outside of the office.

“Miss Amber, Mr. Burton is not in his office at the moment. Would you like to wait?” Gloria asked carefully, obviously afraid to tell Amber the truth.

Looking up from her phone, Amber pretended to be calm and smiled. “It’s alright. I’ll leave since he’s not here.”

“Oh, okay. I’ll see you out.”

“There’s no need. The elevator’s here already.”

Watching Amber enter the elevator, Gloria sighed in relief and turned to her colleague to say, “What’s Mr. Burton doing with Miss Chris and Miss Amber at the same time? It’s causing us a dilemma.”

“What dilemma? Haven’t you realized that Miss Amber hasn’t come to the office for some time already?”

“That’s true.”

For the past few years, Amber often brought lunch for Justin when she was free and staked her claim on him. However, she either did not come or did not manage to see Justin these days even if she came. What’s happening?

Quietly, Gloria’s colleague said, “I don’t think she’ll be his fiancée much longer.”

Right then, Amber threw the thermal container into the rubbish bin when she came out of the elevator. A loud ‘boom’ echoed in the parking lot.

As soon as she got into her car, a grim expression was reflected in the rearview mirror. How could that bastard be Justin’s son? Did he lose his memory? How could he side with Rachel? What kind of tricks is the b*tch playing?

“Miss, shall we head home now?”

“No. To the Burton Residence.”

“Yes, Miss.”

With that, the white car was driven out and gradually disappeared from the monitoring range of the parking lot.

In the cafeteria, Samuel had crumbs all over his mouth after devouring an entire plate of fish and chips.

“Burrp!” He burped satisfactorily and rubbed his belly. “Charlotte, stop giving me so much food. I really can’t eat anymore. I feel like my stomach’s about to burst!”

“I’m your older sister, so you better listen to what I say!”

“Well, you don’t look much older than me.”

Hearing this, she crossed her arms and put on a serious look. “I’m still your older sister regardless of that. You need to know your manners, so stop grumbling already, okay?”

“Fine, I won’t grumble anymore. Happy?”

“Now, that’s a good boy. Have a meatball.”


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