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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 206

“So what? I think Julian’s right. I’m not related to you anymore, so it’s better to let the children acknowledge the fact earlier.”

“Rachel Hudson!” Justin forcefully punched his fist beside her ear.

Rachel closed her eyes in shock as wind gushed by her ear as a result of Justin’s force. Moments later, she opened her eyes only to be met with Justin’s which were still filled with rage.

“Are you done?”

Rachel’s eyes were as calm as still water when she spat the three simple words while staring quietly at Justin. “Let go of me if you’re done. Charlotte and Samuel are coming out soon. You don’t wish for them to see you treating me like this, do you?”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Threatening you?” Rachel snorted and looked downward.

The next second, Justin gasped all of a sudden. He started jumping on one foot while holding his other foot which was stomped and stared at Rachel in disbelief.

While Justin was still wincing, Rachel quickly kept a safe distance away from him.

“You’re still as arrogant as always. I have many other ways to make you let go of me. Why would I threaten you?”

Rachel crossed her arms. Justin was blood-boiled hearing her sarcastic tone, but the pain in his foot was so intense that he couldn’t even say a word. Sure enough, Rachel did not show mercy at all when she stepped on him.

Just then, Julian came out with the two kids. Seeing Justin leaning against the tree with an agonized look, Julian darted a perplexed glance toward him and Rachel. “What happened?”

Rachel shrugged. “He said he’s having a stomachache. Maybe he has eaten some unclean food in the morning.”

Julian asked kindly, “A stomachache? Let me take a look.”

“No, thanks!” Justin shot a fierce glare at Julian.

After that, they went to a restaurant to meet Jolly.

“My elegant queen who’s going on a vacation, where’s your hat?” Rachel started teasing Jolly’s flyaway hair the moment she saw her.

Jolly, on the other hand, looked crabby. “Who knew the wind would be so strong at the peak of the hill? My hat was blown away!” After that, she glared at Rachel. “You already knew that, didn’t you?”

“Even if I did, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you so. You would surely insist that the hat wouldn’t fly away if you held it tight.”

“Oh, sure. You just wanted to see me being embarrassed!”

“There, there. I’ll buy you another hat, alright?”

“That’s more like it!”

Seeing the two men from a distance who accompanied the kids to take some fruits, Jolly nudged Rachel. “Do you feel that the atmosphere is rather tense today?”

“What do you mean?”

“The silent competition between the two men.”

Following Jolly’s gaze, Rachel stared at Justin and Julian in the distance.

Samuel pointed at a piece of cake and said, “Mr. Peters, I’d like to have that.”

“Sure.” Just as Julian was about to get that piece of cake, Justin quickly took it away. “I’m sorry. Charlotte loves this.”

Nevertheless, Julian soon regained his composure. “It’s okay. I’ll ask the waiter to get us more.”

A waiter who happened to be serving dishes near them overheard their conversation and said apologetically, “I’m sorry. That is the last piece of the cake. There are many customers since today is a weekend.”

“It’s okay.” Julian caressed Samuel’s hair and cooed, “Samuel, let’s get other desserts.”

“Samuel can have mine,” Charlotte offered generously.

But before Samuel spoke up, Justin quickly replied, “Charlotte, some things can’t be shared.”


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