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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 212

“I’m usually in Riverdale. If you have the time, we can catch up with each other. Do you like to play golf?”

“I’m not good at it.”

“Don’t worry, I can teach you the game. Why don’t we exchange our Whatsapp?”

As Rachel had already expected him to ask for her digits, she resignedly took out her phone.

She made an excuse to leave once they had exchanged their Whatsapp. “I’m sorry, but I need to use the washroom.”

As she carried the train of her dress and walked out of the hall, she finally escaped the ‘blind date’. However, she didn’t notice the pair of eyes watching her all along from the corner of the hall.

After Rachel breathed a sigh of relief, she looked around the place and envisioned it based on her memory.

The banquet was held in a four-story villa at the center of Summer Villa where Arthur usually lived. Rachel also resided here for a period of time 6 years ago, so she was familiar with the paths in the building. Since Janice mentioned that the evidence is situated inside the villa, then it is most likely in this building.

Even though she couldn’t point out exactly where the evidence was, the most secretive place in the building was his study room, so it was logical to start from there.

After she passed through the corridor and arrived at the side hall, the noises from the banquet gradually faded from her ears.

Across the door, Rachel could hear voices coming from the study room.

“Great uncle, we still need you at the hall.”

“I thought Justin was already there to help out?”

“This is still your banquet. So, everyone is waiting to meet you.”

“Alright, I’ll go and take a look.”

Rachel leaned against the wall to hide and waited for Arthur to emerge before she headed to the study room.

However, the room was locked.

As she held the doorknob for a while, she furrowed her brows. He really is a calculative old man. This study room contains lots of important information about the Burton Family, so he definitely won’t allow anyone to enter with such ease.

While Rachel thought about it, a series of footsteps were heard behind her. “What are you doing here?”

The man’s voice was so cold and powerful that it gave her a shock. When she turned around and saw Justin, it was already too late for her to walk away. “I... was just looking around.”

“So, you just happened to come here? You really don’t see yourself as a guest at all.” He took a step toward her. “However, I’m impressed that you are able to be the goddaughter of the Carter Family in such a short period of time. How does it feel to abuse your power now that you have their backing?”

“You’re thinking too much into it. Jolly is my best friend and her parents treat me well. It’s that simple. As for you, don’t you think that you are the one abusing your power by protecting your fiancee like that?”

“You didn’t receive any invitation, which means that you are able to come here because of the Carter Family.” Justin took another step closer toward Rachel. “Rachel, why are you really here?”

“I came to attend the banquet.” Her eyes were strangely calm as she stretched a finger to stop Justin’s chest from approaching her. “Do you really think I came here for you? Didn’t you see how many people were rushing to introduce a new boyfriend to me?”

His eyes immediately darkened. “Don’t you have any shame?”

“I can see that you rather enjoyed it.” She tapped his shirt with a seemingly weak and numbing force. When she lifted her head, the hair that brushed her chin felt extremely amorous. “Are you jealous?”

Upon listening to her, Justin grabbed her hand. “You are thinking too much. I hate women like you the most! There seems to be no boundaries when it comes to changing the men beside you.”

“Then, why are you following me?” Rachel lifted her head and met his gaze. “Don’t you want to see what I’m doing?”

Justin’s face darkened once again as it seemed to be filled with a sense of gloom.


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