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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 220

Rachel drove to the nightclub alone after work. As soon as she entered the private room, she saw the men inside with the nightclub’s hostesses in each of their arms. Mr. Wayne beckoned to her enthusiastically as he said, “Come over here, Chris. Let me introduce her to you guys. This is Chris, Burton Pharmaceuticals’ sales director. She’s a knockout, isn’t she?”

“Burton Pharmaceuticals’ sales director? Aren’t you President Burton’s ex-wife?”

“You were on the news some time ago.”

The atmosphere in the private room livened up at once. These men were in the same circle, so they knew almost everything about the Burton Family.

Rachel forced a smile at everyone.

Mr. Wayne waved his hand. “Why are we talking about this? Friendly relations should exist between buyer and seller even if they fail to clinch a deal. Despite their marriage ending with divorce, they still have to run the business. Just look at how magnanimous Chris is—isn’t she still working at Burton Pharmaceuticals? It’s just that she’s put to a little inconvenience by having to work under her ex-husband.”

“Wow, your heart is aching, Mr. Wayne! What are you waiting for, Chris? Have a drink with him!”

Rachel frowned as a glass of wine was shoved into her hand. “I drove here, so I can’t drink alcohol.”

“What’s the problem with that? You can just hire a chauffeur to drive your car. There are plenty of them everywhere.”

“Sorry, but I don’t drink.”

The room instantly went silent. Mr. Wayne put down his wine glass and leaned back against the leather sofa. He then asked, “It’s not like I have to collaborate with Burton Pharmaceuticals. There are so many people here; it doesn’t make a difference for me to sign the contract with any of them. Sincerity is best expressed by one’s willingness to drink, don’t you think so?”

Rachel was very hesitant as she looked at the wine glass before her. She knew very well that once one drank a glass of wine in such a social engagement, they would end up drinking even more. Moreover, Mr. Wayne was deliberately trying to make her drunk. Then, as her eyes flickered, she suggested, “Mr. Wayne, do you mean that you’ll sign the contract as long as I finish this glass of wine?”

“That’s not a problem, of course. Am I the kind of person who goes back on his word?”

“That’s right! What kind of person do you think Mr. Wayne is?”

“Mr. Wayne feels sorry for you, so he’s taking you out to help you relax. You’d better not do it the hard way,” said the toadies around them as they made a fuss.

Rachel raised her glass. “In that case, thank you, Mr. Wayne. Here’s to you.” Then, she downed the wine in one gulp in front of everyone. The strong smell of alcohol spread in her mouth, but she showed everyone the emptied glass without letting her face show any emotion.

“You can drink a lot!”

“Come on, let’s drink another glass.”

“Mr. Wayne, about the contract—”

“Since I’ve promised to sign the contract, I’ll definitely sign it. The contract hasn’t been drafted yet, right? Have your assistant send it to me tomorrow morning, and I’ll sign it right away.”

“It’s not necessary to go through so much trouble. I brought the contract with me,” Rachel replied. As she spoke, she took a document out of her handbag, uncapped the felt-tip pen, and handed the pen and the document to Mr. Wayne.

The room fell silent once again, whereas Mr. Wayne’s greasy face twitched. Obviously, he didn’t expect Rachel to have such things prepared. “It really is rather professional of you to bring the contract along while coming out for drinks, Chris.”

Rachel replied, “Opportunities are for those who are well-prepared, right?”


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