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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 246

Chapter 246

“It was around half an hour ago. Chris received a phone call right after the meeting ended and she left after that.”

“Do you know who the caller was?”

“Umm…” Lisa shook her head. How would I know?

Upon seeing Justin’s expression, Frankie quickly consoled, “President Burton, don’t be anxious. The news was just reported, so maybe Miss Hudson saw the news and quickly went home to resolve the matter.”

“You’re saying that she went back to the Hudson Residence?”

“That’s not impossible, is it? Even though Miss Hudson is not close to her father, he is still her father after all. If she knows of such a big incident happening to the Hudson Family, I’m sure she won’t turn a blind eye to it.”

The timing had matched as well-they had just left the company half an hour ago. Not long after that, they heard the news on the radio. It was highly probable that Rachel had received a call from her family.

“Where are you going, President Burton?”

“The Hudson Residence.”

After leaving three short words with Frankie, Justin left the office in large strides. Frankie had no choice but quickly match Justin’s footsteps with a huge bouquet of flowers in his hands.

‘Hudson Pharmaceuticals is suspected to be involved in the smuggling of drugs and having close contact with the military abroad. As the police already have concrete evidence of this incident, they have detained the man who controlled the company, Jefferey Hudson, for further investigation.’

The news of Hudson Pharmaceuticals being involved in a case of drug smuggling quickly spread like wildfire and was reported by all of the major news outlets. Because of that, Hudson Pharmaceuticals immediately stopped all their operations, which caused their stock prices to plummet.

While holding a black umbrella, Rachel stood at the gate of the Hudson Residence-a place where she had lived for two decades. At this moment, it was both a familiar and a strange area for her.

Jefferey was in handcuffs as he had already been detained by the police and at this moment, he was being brought out of the mansion by them. He acted as though she was his lifesaver the moment he saw her. After quickly shoving the police aside, he rushed to her. While they were under the heavy rain, he grabbed her arms and said, “Rae, you have finally returned. Please save me ask the Burton Family to save me. At this moment, they are the only ones who are able to save me.”

The umbrella in her hand was tilted by him. The rain pelted on her shoulders, leaving her drenched. However, she had a terrifyingly indifferent and cold expression. “Uncle Jefferey, no one can save you now.”

“What did you just call me?”

As soon as he heard the words ‘Uncle Jefferey’, Jefferey’s old face seemed to have cracked like a dried tree branch. He stared at her fearfully, unable to believe his own ears.

“What? Don’t you like this salutation of mine?” Rachel smiled stonily. “If my parents were aware of this, they would have hoped that I would behave this way. No matter what you have done, I should still be polite. It’s manners that I have to address you as ‘Uncle Jefferey’. Those manners which are already solidified in my bones.”

Although he staggered backward in trepidation, he was immediately captured by the policemen who caught up to him. “Trying to escape? In your dreams!”

Jefferey merely stared at Rachel with fear in his eyes.

“Dad! Let go of my dad!”

Amber had arrived at the scene a tad bit too late. Jefferey had already been forced into the police car, which had departed from the mansion. The lights of the vehicle and the roar of the engine disappeared in the rain.

“What is going on?” She did not have a chance to even speak to her father, so she asked Rachel anxiously, “Why was Dad taken away by the police?”

Rachel was still holding her umbrella when she coldly gazed at Amber. “Aren’t you clear on why he is being


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