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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Rachel apologized, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do it.”

“Do you think an apology will fix the issue? You should apologize to Charlotte herself. After all, she’s the one who printed this picture out.”

She froze upon hearing that. “Charlotte printed it out?”

“Do you think it’s possible that I printed it out? I can’t wait to throw all of your belongings away, but Charlotte still treats you as her mom and waits for you to come home everyday. However, she has no clue that you merely treated her as a tool for you to collect evidence!”

“I didn’t treat her as a tool,” she explained. “I never had the plan to use her since she is our daughter.”

“You really treat her as your own daughter?”

“Forget it, I can’t possibly explain everything to you.” Rachel refused to speak to the man anymore and immediately walked outside with her luggage.

“Stop right there!” Justin grabbed her wrist. “Where are you going?”

“Of course I’m moving out! Didn’t you just say that you can’t wait to throw all of my belongings away? You don’t need to do that-i’ll move out myself.”

“You have wreaked havoc in my household and you want to leave just like that? Where do you think this place is? A place where you can come and go as you wish?” Justin was beyond furious. “I don’t care what deal you had with Grandpa! You are forbidden to move out from this place without my approval for you to leave!”

“Calm down.” Rachel tried to shake his hands off her but to no avail. With a frown, she added, “I’ve already completed my plan, yet you still want me here to cause more trouble for you?”

“I have already told you that I don’t agree! Can’t you understand my words?!”

He grabbed hold of her wrist even harder as fury spewed out of his eyes.

“Let me go!”

Amidst their conversation, Rachel tried to harshly push Justin’s hands off, making him groan and clutch his shoulders.

It was only at this moment that she remembered that his shoulder was still injured. “How are you doing?”

“I don’t need your fake concern.” Justin leaned against the door with a dark expression. “Aren’t you leaving? Why are you pretending to care about me now?”

When she heard that, her fists tightened. When Jefferey made a scene in the company some time ago, he would have stabbed her with the scissors if Justin wasn’t there. No matter what, it was because of her that

Justin sustained his injury.

No matter how much she hated him, there was no way she can absolve herself from this responsibility. “I’m sorry about that. I’ll send you to the hospital. Or, I can also ask Julian to come over.”

“I don’t need any option. If you really feel sorry, don’t move out first.”

When Rachel heard that, she was stunned.

Justin continued, “Don’t think too much about it. It’s just that I told Charlotte that you will be coming home today when she asked me about you yesterday. If you really want to leave, you have to explain to her yourself.”

With that, he shot a glance at the luggage behind her and added coldly, “Compared to never obtaining something to getting it and losing it in the end, which do you think is crueler?”

His words sent a jolt to her heart like a clap of thunder.

Charlotte had always been the reason why her emotions had never fully recovered over the years. She craved for her mother’s company and Rachel also hoped to stay by her side as well.

After a moment of hesitation, Rachel replied, “I’ll stay for the time being then. I’ll leave when your wounds are fully healed.”

It would take some time for Justin’s wounds to make a full recovery while Hernandez would also need a while to prepare for the suit to gain Charlotte’s custody rights. As such, it would be a good plan for Rachel to stay here to avoid any suspicions.

No matter what, she had already made a decision to take Charlotte with her.

It was only at this moment that Justin’s coldness receded slightly.

During dinner, Charlotte was loquacious as she asked loads of questions. “Mommy, why were you away on a work trip for such a long time? I thought you don’t want me anymore!”

Rachel shot a glance at Justin as she replied, “Mommy has been quite busy at work. See, now I’m back! How is it possible that I don’t want you anymore?”


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