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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Lisa stuffed the bouquet of roses into Rachel’s arms and reminded her, “There’s also a card inside.” When Rachel saw the card, Lisa started to ambiguously read it out loud. ‘Congratulations to my dear Chris for letting go of the past and accepting her new life. I love you!

Instantly, it caused a huge uproar within the office.

“Did President Burton give you this?”

“Oh my God, I didn’t expect him to be such a romantic person since he rarely smiles.”

“What do you know? Men are usually romantic when they meet the person whom they love.”

As she perused the contents on the card, Rachel felt a little resigned. She didn’t even need to think to investigate who gave the flowers from this blatant style of writing. “It’s not him. You all have misunderstood.”

However, the crowd’s roar instantly overwhelmed her explanation.

“Alright. We had enough of you two love birds. It’s time to slice the cake.”

“She needs to blow the candles first.”

“That’s right. Congratulations on your promotion, Chris. I hope that you are treating us to dinner tonight.”

Now that the office was filled with laughter and chatter, Rachel remained quiet and agreed to treat everyone to a meal while she held the large bouquet of roses in her arms.

Meanwhile, in the president’s office upstairs, Justin was reading through some documents and noticed that the cup next to him was already empty. “Miss Evergreen.”

He called his secretary to serve him more tea, but there was no response.

A while later, he noticed that his cup was still empty, so he immediately furrowed his brows and went out the door. Then, he saw several secretaries gathering around each other as if they were discussing something.

“What are you all looking at?” His cold voice was heard.

When the secretaries heard his voice, they instantly rose in shock. “President Burton!”

The phone fell on the floor, and for some reason, someone had accidentally played the video on the screen.

The screen on the phone was showing the celebrations at Burton Pharmaceuticals.

In the video, Rachel was holding a large bouquet of roses while Lisa read out the contents of the card.

“Congratulations to my dear Chris for letting go of the past and accepting her new life. I love you.”

“Did President Burton give you this?”

Although the scenes on the phone were extremely noisy, Justin’s eyes were locked on the woman standing in the middle. As he stared at her joyful face while she held the roses, his cold face immediately darkened.

“Chris, aren’t you having dinner with us?”

“It’s fine. You guys can go by yourselves. Feel free to eat anything you want. You don’t have to save money for me.”

Before it was time to get off work, Rachel handed her credit card to Lisa so that she could treat her colleagues to a meal.

It was due to what Janice had said earlier this afternoon that Rachel wasn’t in the mood for a meal. However, at the same time, Rachel didn’t want to stop her colleagues from having fun, so she simply gave an excuse

and promised to eat with them the next time.

“Don’t worry, we won’t go easy on you. Let’s go.”

“Have fun.”

She was the only one left in the office because she decided to work overtime tonight. After she finished her first draft since her promotion, she noticed that it was about time for her to leave, so she packed up her stuff and left with that bouquet of roses.

The reason why she had left so late was because this bouquet of roses was too eye-catching, so she wanted to wait until most people in the building had left first.



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