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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 262

Chapter 262

“It doesn’t seem like there’s anything wrong, though. Could it be that you fractured a bone or something?”

“It’s not that serious, I guess.” Justin stretched out his hand toward Rachel. “Let’s go back with you helping me. I think Charlotte must’ve gone back by now.”

Rachel wanted to search for Charlotte, but she couldn’t leave Justin here in such a state. Having no alternative, she decided to take him back to the campsite first. If Charlotte didn’t return to the campsite, she would come back to search for her.

“Just rest assured, Rachel. Charlotte fears the dark more than anything else, so there’s no way she’ll wander outside on her own for such a long time. She must’ve gone back.”

“Let’s hope so.”

With that, the two headed back with Justin’s arm resting on Rachel’s shoulder as she supported him. As the man was nearly 190 centimeters tall, it didn’t look like Rachel was propping him up. Instead, it looked more like he was holding her hostage. In fact, there was no way Rachel could help him up if he didn’t hold himself upright.

“Actually, I’ve always wanted to find an opportunity to talk to you.”

“Talk about what?”

“I’d like to formally apologize to you for what has happened in the past. I know that I used to be mean to you, and I can never make up for that, but I’ll do my best. Just give me a chance for Charlotte’s sake.”

Rachel frowned. “How much do you remember about the past?”

“I asked Frankie about it, and he told me part of the story. In short, I was mean to you.”

“Not really” Rachel sounded frosty. “It was normal for you to resent me back then. After all, I wasn’t the person you wanted to marry at the time.”

“So, can you forgive me?”

“Now that we’re divorced, everything that has happened during our marriage doesn’t count anymore.”

“In that case, in the future.”

“There’s no future to speak of.” Rachel cut Justin short right away.

However, Justin still kept at the subject, as though he didn’t notice the impatience in Rachel’s words. “How could there be no future to speak of? Charlotte’s our future. Do you want to break her heart? Ever since she was little, her greatest wish has been to live with her own mother.”

Rachel suddenly stopped in her tracks. “Do you really want me to stay with Charlotte all the time?”

“Of course,” Justin replied with a straight face.

“Alright then. Give me Charlotte’s custody, and I’ll take care of her in the future.”

Justin was visibly stunned as the fallen leaves rustled in the woods all of a sudden.

“You can’t do it, can you?” Rachel’s voice broke the deadlock between her and the man as she walked on while helping him by the arm again. “I’m not interested in getting entangled with you any further. Our previous agreement to stay out of each other’s business is my biggest concession already.”

A hint of panic crept into Justin’s eyes. “Are you really not willing to marry me again?”

“No, I’m not.”

“In that case, are you gonna marry Hernandez?”

“It has nothing to do with you.”

“Who else are you gonna marry if it’s not him? Don’t tell me it’s Julian.”

“Justin.” Rachel glared at him. “Aren’t you done yet?”

Only then did Justin shut up. After walking with Rachel for a while, however, he could no longer restrain himself. “No matter what you think, my desire to remarry you is my own business, and you have no right to interfere with that.”


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