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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 267

Chapter 267

Soon, night enveloped the summer villa. As Justin had expected, the family dinner had already ended when he arrived. Just as he was about to enter, he heard Julian and Sue talking inside.

“Julian, you aren’t young anymore. It’s time to start a family. You’ve met the Harper Family’s second daughter once. Her appearance, education, and personality are very good. She excels in all aspects.”

“Mom, I’m very busy. I don’t have time to date.”

“What are you talking about? No matter how busy you are, you have to get married, don’t you?”

“Your mother is right, Julian. If Coraline doesn’t fit your tastes, I’ll get someone to find someone else for you. You should meet her too and settle this important matter so that your mother can finally be at peace.”

“Grandpa, you don’t need to worry about this. I know what to do.”

“What do you know about?” Sue’s expression suddenly darkened. She accused, “I know what you’re thinking. You’re still thinking about that little mute girl, aren’t you? You’ve been bewitched by her!”

“Mom!” Julian frowned in displeasure, his expression changing as well. “Please mind your language. How could you call her a little mute girl?”

“She was mute in the first place. If I knew that you’ve been treating her abroad all these years, I wouldn’t have let you go back then.”

Irritated by Sue’s cold words, Julian stood up and said, “Grandpa, I have other matters to attend to, so I’ll be leaving.”

Arthur nodded slightly. Although he cared about Julian, Julian was not a child of the Burton Family, and it was not easy to intervene in matters involving Rachel. In fact, he hoped that Julian could get together with Rachel to save himself the trouble.

“Julian!” Sue chased after Julian in an attempt to stop him, but the mother and son unexpectedly bumped head-on into Justin who had just entered.

“Justin.” Sue’s face paled a little when she saw Justin. “When did you arrive?”

Julian greeted him indifferently. “Hey, Justin.”

Justin said, “I just reached a while ago. What’s wrong, Aunt Sue? Are you trying to get Julian a girlfriend?”

Sue replied with a smile, “Yes, he isn’t young anymore. Look at you two. You’re just a few years apart, but Charlotte has already grown so much, and he still hasn’t found someone to date.”

“I happen to know a few friends. Perhaps I could introduce some to him.”

“No need.” Julian flatly refused, his tone a little displeased. “Justin, I don’t want to worry you about this. If you have this much free time, you should introduce them to yourself.”

“But I don’t need to, do 1?”

Julian’s brows furrowed slightly, and his usually warm eyes turned cold as he said, “I need it even less.”

A cough sounded in the room, breaking the stand-off between the two.

Justin narrowed his gaze as he entered the house. “Grandpa.”

Julian stood at the door for a while. Then, ignoring Sue’s nagging by his side, he turned and walked away.

As soon as Arthur saw Justin, his expression turned serious. “Where have you been these two days?”

“There was an outdoor parent-child activity at Charlotte’s school.”

“I’m assuming that woman went with you as well.”

“She is Charlotte and Samuel’s mother. How is it surprising that she went with us?”

“You really didn’t take what I told you to heart at all, did you?” Arthur slammed the teacup in his hand down loudly, and the tea splashed across the table as he ordered, “That woman can’t continue to stay by your side. If you don’t chase her away, I will go to her myself and ask her what she had promised me.”


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