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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 282

Chapter 282

Charlotte was the only one out of the trio who didn’t know how to swim. After a few paddles, she stopped trying to move around. “Why is the Curly Weirdo here too?” she said angrily as she splashed around.

Samuel ducked his head underwater without answering her.

Charlotte wised up to the situation when she saw him do that, and she promptly got angry enough to whack him. “Traitor!”

Naturally, Hernandez handed Rachel a towel when she got out of the pool.

“How did you know I’m here?”

“That’s a secret.” Hernandez glanced at the children in the distance and grinned. “Jolly told me that your father passed away.”

“Yeah.” With a dull gaze, Rachel lowered her head. “It happened last night. The funeral is supposed to be held next Wednesday. You don’t need to console me; I feel nothing for the Hudsons.” Rachel immediately stopped Hernandez before he could try and comfort her.

Hernandez waved his hands helplessly. “I haven’t even said anything.”

“Jolly asked you to come, didn’t she?”

“Of course not.” Hernandez’s brows furrowed. “I came to tell you that I just picked up a new piece of evidence while also coming up with a new plan. Once you’ve settled your own business, you can leave for overseas with your daughter in tow.”

“What kind of plan?”

“Justin’s seeing a psychologist. He’s mentally unwell.”

Rachel’s went rigid. At once, a startled look came over her.

“He thought he was being sneaky about it, but unfortunately for him, my dream prior to becoming a lawyer and the chief legal officer at SG was to become a detective,” Hernandez announced smugly. “A parent with mental illness is unfit to take care of their child. When the time comes, all we need to do is whip out this piece of evidence, and his custody rights will be pulled out right under his nose. And as Charlotte’s biological mother, you will have full custody rights over her.”

As she watched the two children playing in the distance, Rachel felt a myriad of complicated emotions.

“Hernandez, I’ll follow your plan for Charlotte, but now is not the time. Please help me with something else first.”

“What is it?”

“Hudson Pharmaceuticals’ next heir.”

Jefferey had been arrested because he was personally involved in smuggling. All assets under his name had also been seized and frozen, but a large portion of the company’s stocks was still in Amber’s and the other investors’ hands. Although Hudson Pharmaceuticals’ reputation was in the gutter and the company was on the brink of bankruptcy, it was still a listed company. A listed company was still better off than one that had completely collapsed and vanished.

Logically speaking, Amber was supposed to inherit Hudson Pharmaceuticals after Jefferey’s death. All of Jefferey’s old guards supported her. But now, Jefferey’s personal assets as well as his stocks had been confiscated. Whatever Amber had now barely made a blip in the grand scheme of things.

“I want the rights to Hudson Pharmaceuticals,” Rachel stated.

Meanwhile, Charlotte was play-fighting with Samuel in the pool.

“You traitor! You said that you would help Daddy, but you’re helping the Curly Weirdo!”

Samuel darted around in the water since he knew how to swim. On the other hand, Charlotte ended up getting a face full of water from all the waves and splashes he made while he escaped from her wrath.

“I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”

Seeing how Charlotte was actually angry, Samuel finally popped up from the water and grabbed her inner tube. “I’m not a traitor. I just think that Justin will be more motivated with Hernandez around. Men like competition.”

“What did you just say?”

“Look, Hernandez was out of the country for a long time because of what I did. And what did Justin do? All he did was make Mommy angry. So, I think it’s better that Hernandez is back,” Samuel said with a straight face. “Do you know what the catfish effect is?”


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