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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 297

Chapter 297

“Mommy, I want to build a huge castle so that you, Daddy, and Samuel can all fit inside.” Charlotte was a talkative kid, so she kept on mumbling while piling the sand.

Meanwhile, Rachel was helping her.

“Do you need my help?” Justin’s voice was heard from behind.

She was startled for a moment before turning to see him smiling brightly at her. This man really changes his mood frequently. A while ago, he looked as though he was about to explode in anger, but now, he is looking cheerful again. I don’t know whether his heart or brain has a problem.

However, she wasn’t in the mood to think about it, so she allowed Charlotte to pull him over to sit down.

“Daddy, you can help me to build a garden in front of the castle. I want a fountain with a mermaid on top.”

While holding a shovel, Justin didn’t know where to start. “This is a huge project. Should I ask someone from the engineering department?”

“Why don’t you just bring your entire company here to build a sand castle?” Rachel rolled her eyes at him.

He was at a loss upon listening to her. Who can make fountains and mermaid sculptures with their bare hands?

“There are molds in the bucket next to you,” a speechless Rachel simply said. How high of an IQ or skill do you need to play with a kid on the beach? That is why companies develop these tools to help. “By the looks of it, I can see that you rarely hang out with Charlotte.”

“I always accompany her.”

“I said that you rarely hang out with her. The main point is hanging out.” She made every word clear to him. “Keeping someone company and hanging out are two different things. In your eyes, does bringing Charlotte to your office so that she could play by herself counts as ‘hanging out’?”

Justin was rendered speechless because she was telling the truth.

However, she didn’t bother to pay attention to him any longer.

A while later, Justin took a mold from the bucket and asked shyly, “I should be using this, right? Is this how you use it?”

Seeing how clumsy he looked, Rachel couldn’t help but move over to give him a demonstration. “This is how you use it.”


In the meantime, not far away on the beach, Samuel was sucking on his lollipop as he lamented, “It seems like dumb people have their advantages. He has actually mastered the art of playing dumb!”

“It’s useless. Your mommy definitely won’t be with him,” Julian uttered with a calm face.


“He isn’t being himself at the moment.”

Samuel looked bewildered because Julian was the only person who knew Justin well since those two adults had grown up together. Julian knew that the personality Justin had before and after losing his memory was completely different.

Meanwhile, Gloria and Victor formed two groups with Jolly and Hernandez as they played all kinds of exciting games while screaming.

“Damn you, Victor. If you dare to push me down, I’ll kill you!”

“Get down now! We are losing!” Victor pulled Gloria down the slide immediately afterward.

At the same time on the other slide, the two extreme sports lovers had already reached the end.

On the way down, she continued to scream before drinking a mouthful of water when she fell into the water. The moment she rose from the water, she grabbed his head and pressed him into the water. “I’ll kill you!”

He struggled at first when she pressed his head down, but he suddenly stopped moving after a while.

Gloria furrowed her brows. “Stop pretending to be dead. I won’t believe it!” Even so, she released him. “Let’s see how long you can last.”

She crossed her arms and waited for him to catch his breath.

However, 5 minutes had passed and Victor was still motionless. His arms and body were floating in the water, as if he was a floating corpse with his face down.


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