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The Silent Wife novel (Rachel and Justin) novel Chapter 322

Chapter 322 The Engagement

Jolly parted her lips in an attempt to explain herself, but she was unable to gather her thoughts and put it into words. Eventually, she waved her hand and uttered, “Forget it. We’ll talk about it later. Where are Noah and Amber?”

Upon hearing that, Rachel sported a conflicted expression and exchanged glances with Justin. There was an infirmary on the ship.

Rachel’s neck was severely wounded. If her wounds were any deeper, they would have to be stitched up.

“Alright, don’t let your wounds come into contact with water. Go to a hospital to have your wounds checked after you leave the ship. It’d be troublesome if your wounds are infected.”

“Thanks, doctor.”

“Don’t mention it. But what happened? Why are you seriously injured?”

Just when Rachel was about to reply to him, Justin interrupted her by saying, “She tripped over and hit something sharp. It was an accident.”

Rachel took a glance at the man with a frown. When she was ready to say something, she saw the man sporting a solemn expression. Therefore, she decided to bite her tongue.

Meanwhile, Jolly and Ryan were waiting for them in the room.

As soon as the door was closed, Rachel asked, “Why didn’t you let me tell the truth just now? Two people are dead. I have to call the police now.”

Justin uttered, “If the murders that take place here can be solved by calling the police, this vessel will be no different from other ships.”

“Two lives are gone for good. No one will care whether Amber is missing. However, Noah is the eldest son of the Hindenburg Conglomerate’s boss. Do you think the Hindenburgs won’t look into it?”

“I don’t think the Hindenburgs are aware of Noah’s whereabouts tonight.”

Rachel became startled for a moment before turning to look at Ryan.

With an emotionless expression, Ryan stared at her intently. There wasn’t a hint of fluster behind his cold-looking eyes. “Even if they’re aware of it, they can only call the police. What can the police find out? There are no surveillance cameras on this cruise ship at all.”

In fact, Rachel had already discovered it.

Since there were no surveillance cameras, it meant that no one would find out what had happened. Even if there were witnesses, they couldn’t provide any solid evidence.

“Do we just pretend that nothing has happened?” Rachel uttered in disbelief, for she reckoned that she should call the police since such an incident had happened.

Ryan uttered rudely, “You’d better pretend nothing has happened. Even if you want to invite trouble to yourself, don’t drag others into it. When the cruise ship reaches the harbor, I’ll leave with Jolly. I don’t care whether you’ll leave this place, but don’t mention Jolly when others ask you about the incident today.”

Rachel furrowed her brows. This guy named Ryan keeps talking about Jolly in a caring manner. He doesn’t seem as cold-blooded as what Jolly had described.

However, Jolly retorted, “Stop scaring us. Am I even close to you? Why should I leave the ship with you just because you tell me to? Ryan, I’m telling you—stop telling my best friend what to do. Who do you think you are?”

“Jolly! Can’t you see I’m helping you?”

“I don’t believe anything you say.”

Ryan’s face fell instantly. “What do you mean by that? I’ve come all the way here to save you because I’m worried about your safety, but in the end, it’s all my fault. You’re just as reckless and unreasonable as back then.”

“Back then? How do you even have the nerve to talk about the past with me?”

It seemed that an argument between them was inevitable.

Just as Rachel wanted to say something, she was pulled into the bedroom by Justin.

“Why are you pulling me away?”

“It’s a matter between them. Let them sort it out themselves.”


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